Health & Medical STDs Sexual Health & Reproduction

Chlamydia Treated Naturally

Chlamydia is often referred to as the silent venereal disease, because quite frequently there are no apparent symptoms, and therefore you can have it for a long period of time without being aware that you have it.
Symptoms in men usually appear as a clear or cloudy discharge from the penis, accompanied by an itching or burning sensation, pain during urination, and possibly swelling around the testicles.
In women, a chlamydia infection can also appear as a clear or cloudy vaginal discharge, and may affect the reproductive or urinary systems.
Failure to seek treatment could lead to other health problems.
People become infected with Chlamydia through sexual contact, whether during vaginal, anal or oral sex.
Inflammation of the rectum is possible in both men and women, accompanied by a discharge or bleeding.
Also, painful throat infections can occur in people who engage in oral sex with an infected person.
Any person who is sexually active can contract chlamydia.
It can also be passed along from an infected mother to her baby during childbirth.
Conventional treatments for chlamydia include oral antibiotics which usually include tetracycline, azithromycin, or erythromycin.
With proper treatment, the chlamydia infection should clear up in about one or two weeks.
Chlamydia Treated Naturally - The Best Treatment is Preventive: - Practice safe sex - Limit your number of sexual partners - Use condoms every time you have sexual relations - Or practice sexual abstinence If you have been diagnosed with chlamydia or any other type of sexually transmitted disease, seek immediate treatment.
And please be a responsible person and inform all of your recent sexual partners so they can seek treatment as well.
If you engage in sex with more than one partner, it would be a good idea to be tested regularly.

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