Society & Culture & Entertainment Horoscopes

Imagining the Possibilities, The Month of Cancer, 2015

The Zodiac Month Ahead Imagining the Possibilities What we all can expect from the forecast of our planetary skies 21 June to 22 July.
Making the Most of Our Cycle in Cancer When we take the word IMPOSSIBLE, and spell out the truth I'M POSSIBLE, SO I BE BLESS, I BE BLISS; I BE SO SIMPLE SO I SMILE MILES we have some amazing clues as to how to work optimally from within our souls in the month ahead.
Cancer is the sign that loves to imagine, but it must be very careful what is actually focusing upon within the outcome of possibility.
Cancer's get the unfortunate bad zodiac rap of being known as moody, and thus will the month ahead be channeling this potential energy to anyone who is not listening carefully.
This tendency only comes into play when the imagination does not have a proper outlet to create from.
Remember, the guiding planet of Cancer -The Moon, who is the fastest vessel traveling through the zodiac, spending less than 3 days in any given sign- equally is in charge of our emotional natures and how we act out our feelings in our natal birth charts.
Cancers always must work from the feeling space of being concerned, allowing their worries to cease, for this is how solution-seeking mode within their innate leadership abilities is then activated.
Worry is an emotion rooted in FEAR-which is merely False Evidence Appearing Real- promoting a negative channel of what the imagination can unfortunately do.
Where Does Your Sun Sign Wish For You to Imagine the Possibilities? ARIES: Home/Family/Environments where I Nurture TAURUS: Thinking/Mentalities where I Communicate GEMINI: Earning Power/Values with what I Have CANCER: Approaches/First Impressions with who I Am LEO: Inner Work/Subconscious Study where I Process VIRGO: Hopes/Dreams/Wishes where I Socialize LIBRA: Career/Public Life where I Structure SCORPIO: Higher Learning/Travel/Growth where I Believe SAGITTARIUS: Regeneration/Change where I Transform CAPRICORN: Partnerships where I Relate AQUARIUS: Habits/Routines/Health where I Serve PISCES: Creativity/Children/Love Affairs where I Create Sun enters Cancer 21 June Shine Light Upon Feeling Good The time of the year to splish-splash with the sensations, imagination, and enjoy our nostalgia calls the strongest when our Sun is journeying through this water sign.
Honing in on our abilities to listen more to our instincts, emotional responses verse reactions, and discover more about what it is that we genuinely feel.
Cancer's symbol of The Crab brings us to understand more about our environments, in how we protect them yet still engage our nurturing from within.
Aside from being attuned to food and how it is meant to comfort us with nourishment, Cancer is deeply connected to what is "home" just like the crab who carries it right on it's back.
Natural knowingness surrounds us all to tap into about what can be sheltered and loved, extending to our family, and any "clan" we may gravitate to.
The opening of Summer 2015 is an amazing time to be alive in our current 8 Universal year, as other outer planetary gifts are allowing for openness and opportunities to flourish.
So much change equally is channeling permanent shifts and elevation through our collective consciousness to enjoy in this overall month, which finds more balance and harmony as Cancer cycles us into July.
Cancer 2015 is a special time to celebrate the possibilities, get our imaginations to flow in healthy fashions, and watch what infinite reflections begin to attract back to us.
Mars enters Cancer 24 June Where Desires Become Strong & Sensuous Our planet that kicks up life another notch wherever he may be journeying in our zodiac skies, continues to keep close tabs upon our Sun as he visits with the Crab until 08 August.
All the natural qualities of Cancer's nurturing, feeling sensations, abilities to imagine and memory perceptions are amplified through the mid summer.
Emotions may become quite strong, so remember as well with any Mars transit, to utilize that practice of patience where The Crab lives in your personal Zodiac Pie.
The tendency to allow that "bad rap" of Cancer moodiness to take over is high under this cycle, so make sure to check-in with emotional responses verses reactions.
The natural light that Cancer will shine into our lives is far more intense, but here is where you will see action favoring conclusions and equal clearing here to take place.
Mars is not exactly comfortable in Cancer so his natural abilities to take direction and motivate change are certainly toned down.
Airing on the side of caution about the free will's choices is wise, and avoid a defense attitude from this area of the life, for it will not win any battles for you.
Mercury enters Cancer 08 July Where Your Communications Become Circumscribed Our Messenger Mercury is back up to full speed ahead with his recent Retrograde and Shadow passage in Gemini behind him.
His visit in Cancer pursues until 23 July, flavoring our mentalities to become clear, receptive, and fueled with instinct.
Remember the tendency for our feelings to become emotionally swayed will be on high alert, which may "muck up our thinking.
" Know a reflective tone also enters our mindsets concerning the communications and undeniable movement that will still be motivating us to remember our courage within The Crab.
A great help to what Mars will be trying to sort out within our feelings, is when Mercury meets up with Mars to energize our intellect to be able to imagine in colorful perceptions verses cloudier ones.
Look out for resourceful, quick-witted and confident information to channel strongly for permanent changes within Cancer to unfold 12 to 19 July, with the potent punch arriving on 16 July as Mars and Mercury conjunct at 14 degrees Cancer.
Changing times, indeed.
Venus enters Virgo 19 July Where Your Harmony & Understanding Seeks Routine Albeit an unusually short visit while she is stationing to go Retrograde 25 July, Venus decides to just touch into Virgo to get us in the details of what it is we need to start reconsidering for her cycle of reflection until 06 September.
Remaining in Virgo only until 31 July, the energy leading up to her Retrograde will be rather intense to say the least.
Controlled and discriminating forces will persist as she holds fast to the 0 degree of Virgo, asking to purify what we can from this tipping point of the zodiac skies.
Even in this short period of time, the last part of July engages us in the energy to remember all that we wish to serve better in our lives concerning our closest relationships.
Should any DOUBT be a part of these pictures, we are wise to take a good look at why before we tell it politely, please DO BUT OUT BUD.
As we prepare to honor a cycle of reflection that will ask for us to better understand what we value most from finances to overall moral beauty in our lives- focusing upon our routines and what exactly needs to change about them to enrich how we serve our lives with purity, is a great place to start.
What is it that you can imagine the possibilities about in this Zodiac month ahead? May your imagination lead you to a metamorphosis that fully feeds your body, mind and spirit.
Happy Summer Solstice Dear Stars.

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