Astral Projection Stories: Fact or Fiction? (The No Bull Truth About Astral Travel Is Revealed!)
Are astral projection stories true?Do people REALLY leave their bodies spontaneously...
or from practice, or is the whole experience just one BIG hallucination?In this article we are going to take a quick and easy look at reported astral projection experiences, and see if we can learn to separate the FACT, from the fiction...
and the SCIENCE from the silliness to boot!Sound interesting?Continue reading as we take a closer look below! Are astral projection stories ALL real experiences? Absolutely not.
And while we'd all like to BELIEVE that every adventure in the ethereal realms isreported exactly as it really happened, the simple fact is that MANY people have vivid imaginations, hallucinate, lucid dream or even MAKE the whole story up..
simply to have something cool to share, or impress others with.
(or even, in some cases..
simply want to believe SO badly themselves..
that they're willing to fabricate some important facts, rather than rely on the authenticity of the experience itself) Okay...
so you're saying that ALL astral projection stories are imaginary then? Of course not, no!The truth is, many people have had VERIFIABLE experiences, with information that would be impossible for them to have learned otherwise, and have gleaned that information while out of their body, so to speak.
Some near death experiences, for example...
that feature a separation of the "soul" or spiritual self from the physical body, are really just another form of astral projection experiences..
often featuring ALL the critical components of the most elaborate accounts of the astral realms.
Others who have mastered meditative techniques, or who who have familiarized themselves with binaural beats and sound technology report elaborate and detailed OBE experiences that are hard to dismiss as well.
And SOME individuals have been SO amazingly gifted in describing their astral experiences, and who have subjected themselves to scientific examination and verification while in the astral state, that it adds further evidence, and PROOF positive that something very tangible, and real is taking place.
Alex Tanous, Robert Monroe, Indigo Swann, and others have offered amazing first hand scientific stories of the astral realms that are WAY too powerful to ignore!) Remember, though..
The very BEST evidence is that which you get BY yourself, and for yourself.
I encourage you to seek out, embrace and MASTER the mystery that waits out there for all us brave enough to dip our big toe into the ocean..
of the UNKNOWN!
or from practice, or is the whole experience just one BIG hallucination?In this article we are going to take a quick and easy look at reported astral projection experiences, and see if we can learn to separate the FACT, from the fiction...
and the SCIENCE from the silliness to boot!Sound interesting?Continue reading as we take a closer look below! Are astral projection stories ALL real experiences? Absolutely not.
And while we'd all like to BELIEVE that every adventure in the ethereal realms isreported exactly as it really happened, the simple fact is that MANY people have vivid imaginations, hallucinate, lucid dream or even MAKE the whole story up..
simply to have something cool to share, or impress others with.
(or even, in some cases..
simply want to believe SO badly themselves..
that they're willing to fabricate some important facts, rather than rely on the authenticity of the experience itself) Okay...
so you're saying that ALL astral projection stories are imaginary then? Of course not, no!The truth is, many people have had VERIFIABLE experiences, with information that would be impossible for them to have learned otherwise, and have gleaned that information while out of their body, so to speak.
Some near death experiences, for example...
that feature a separation of the "soul" or spiritual self from the physical body, are really just another form of astral projection experiences..
often featuring ALL the critical components of the most elaborate accounts of the astral realms.
Others who have mastered meditative techniques, or who who have familiarized themselves with binaural beats and sound technology report elaborate and detailed OBE experiences that are hard to dismiss as well.
And SOME individuals have been SO amazingly gifted in describing their astral experiences, and who have subjected themselves to scientific examination and verification while in the astral state, that it adds further evidence, and PROOF positive that something very tangible, and real is taking place.
Alex Tanous, Robert Monroe, Indigo Swann, and others have offered amazing first hand scientific stories of the astral realms that are WAY too powerful to ignore!) Remember, though..
The very BEST evidence is that which you get BY yourself, and for yourself.
I encourage you to seek out, embrace and MASTER the mystery that waits out there for all us brave enough to dip our big toe into the ocean..
of the UNKNOWN!