Health & Medical Alternative Medicine

Fibroid Alternative Treatment

There is a fibroid alternative treatment which many women have used very successfully to completely cure the symptoms and this is worthy of consideration if fibroids are causing you problems.Fibroids are normally harmless tumors which grow on the inside or outside of the uterus. Only in very rare cases will one grow rapidly and become cancerous. If treatments for fibroids are required, these are normally surgery or drugs. As many women prefer not to use these methods for treating fibroids, many will look at their options.

A large proportion of women will have fibroids but most will never know it as they do not cause any problems. They are more common in Afro Carribean women and in women who are overweight. Whether you have symptoms or not will depend largely on the size and location of the fibroids.

The problems which can be caused by fibroids include bloating, menstrual and fertility problems and bladder and bowel problems. As fibroids in themselves are very rarely life threatening, doctors are often reluctant to recommend surgery or medical intervention in all but the most serious of cases. Indeed women themselves are generally unwilling to undergo unnecessary surgery because of the inherent risks. However, many women become extremely frustrated by the symptoms and are desperate for a solution.

Given the choice, most women will opt for a fibroid alternative treatment providing that there is a good chance of success. This is one of the few conditions where delaying surgical treatment will normally not cause any problems and it is well worth trying a natural treatment before going ahead. (Having said this, it is always worth confirming with your doctor that not having surgery immediately would not cause a problem in your particular case). It is also worth noting that with all medical/surgical procedures (with the exception of hysterectomy) there is a high likelihood of the fibroids returning.

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