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Repair Water Penetration Damage On Your Roof

Some people think that water penetration means the end of a new roof. Whether you have a tile or metal roof, though, there are repairs that you can make to help reverse some of the damages done by water penetration. Learn more about performing those repairs by reading on below.

Repairing Damaged Tile Roofs -

Tiled roofs that incur water penetration damage can be fixed and repaired, at least as a stopgap measure before having to replace the entire roof. The trick to doing this is finding the precise place where water is leaking through. It should be noted that walking on the tiles should be avoided at all costs. If it is absolutely necessary, it is best to walk along the places where two tiles overlap. At all times, try to repair all areas from below the roof instead from above.

Most of the time, tiles become susceptible to water penetration when they become old. As tiles age, they tend to become brittle. If you find definite signs of water damage, the first thing you should do is see if any mortar has cracked or peeled away. Oftentimes, this is the case. If so, you can use a silicone-based sealant to make repairs which will prevent further water penetration. Optimally, this sealing will keep the problem at bay and will prevent it from become significantly worse.

Repairing Damaged Metal Roofs -

Metal roofs are very strong, durable and resilient things. When compared to other types of roofs, metal roofs generally last for a long time and as such, they are great solution from an investment point of view. However, exceptionally old metal roofs can incur water penetration damage. When this happens, replacement is usually the only reasonable option. However, certain measures can be used to extend the life of the metal roof. In Australia, one of the most common methods is to insert "slips" of corrugated iron between the damaged sheets of metal on the roof. These slips must be made out of the same material as the rest of the roof.

Another common method used to repair metal roofs in Australia is silicone sealant. This sealant can be used on metal roofs and covered with a coat of paint to make the roof attractive and whole once more. As noted above, this method is hardly a foolproof one and replacement is often necessary. It is always recommended to engage a professional roofing Brisbane company to examine the roof. That way, you can get an experienced perspective of the issue and make a decision from there.

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