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Basketball Training - Dribbling Tips for Basketball

Basketball players only have two options in moving the ball from one teammate to another, either by passing or by dribbling. Here we will focus on the various types of dribbling typically observed on the court.

Low Dribble

As its name suggests, low dribble just means that you must keep the ball bouncing low nearest to the floor. This can effectively ensure the ball from guards. This entails the dribblers to extend his hand so as to limit the space the opponent can penetrate.

Speed Dribble

This is typically used when the dribbler is an open court and has to take advantage of time while keeping good control with the ball and his body. Because the player isn't guarded heavily, he isn't forced to protect the ball excessively. This gives him a good chance to make faster dribbling while achieving some distance.

Change-Of-Pace Dribble

This type of dribble is characterized with the slowing down of motion that may be conceived as stopping. This would effectively make the opponent think that you are stopping to pass the ball. However, once you achieve the reaction from the opponent, you must be keen to explode with speed then drive through the opponent.

Crossover Dribble

This type of dribble is used to deflect the guarding player. It is characterized by one-hand dribbling while pushing the ball in front. After which, the offensive player would have to explode right through the opponent. While this is good for achieving distance, it is also prone for steals. To protect the ball, dribbling must be kept low as the ball passes form one hand to another.

Reverse Dribble

When you are closely guarded, you can use reverse dribble to prevent the opponent from stealing the ball. However, this offers the main drawback of losing sight of the ball from some moments which could further expose it towards stealing from the back.

Half-Reverse Dribble

This is similar to reverse dribbling; only the player must make a 90-degree turn to return to his original position. The movements then must be very quick so as to prevent the ball from not being caught by the other hand from stealing it from the opposing team.

Hockey Dribble

This makes use of a head-shoulder fake combination with an abrupt change of pace. This is normally used to divert the defender from close guard.

These are just some of the basic types of dribbling you can use to ward-off hard core defensive moves.

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