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Living Beauty

I love things of beauty! Whether it is something from nature or man-made, my soul delights in things that please the eye and touch the heart.
I especially love the variety of color and texture that plants and their flowers provide.
Not only are plants visually appealing, they are actually alive! They need water, sunlight, and nutrients to thrive and continue giving us visual, tactile, and olfactory pleasures.
I believe that caring for plants allows us to share in the joy of God's creations.
Gardening outdoors brings me great pleasure and I enjoy cultivating indoor plants as well.
Plants are only some of God's living creations; our human bodies are His most intricate creations we know about.
Beautiful Body and Mind The male and female bodies are beautifully created.
Artists have been drawing, painting, and sculpting the human body for centuries.
Just like with cultivating plants, creating replicas of the human body is a way we can share in God's creation of beauty.
I think more often, though, our bodies are taken for granted.
We are so used to our bodies being part of us that we often neglect them and do not care for them properly.
If we fed plants the sodas, fast food, ice cream, candy and addictive substances we consume ourselves, we would make them ill and they would eventually die as these substances would be poisonous to them.
Our bodies need the correct nutrition, sunshine, and physical activity to flourish.
Taking care of our bodies is one way we take care of our minds.
Both our bodies and our brains need water and healthy nutrition in order to function well.
Both our bodies and our brains will atrophy if we neglect proper care of them.
We can also feed or pollute our minds depending on what visual things we look at, read, or the content in which we listen.
Our bodies and minds absorb what we give them and for this reason we need to be conscious of our choices of consumption.
Word of Wisdom The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints provides a scriptural word of wisdom for its members.
Of course, these guidelines apply to all people's health.
The restoring prophet of Christ's Church upon the earth again, Joseph Smith, received revelation about what is good and not good for our bodies.
We are told to eat fruits, vegetables, certain grains, and meat sparingly and in times of famine or need.
We are told to avoid any and all addictive substances.
At the time of this revelation, tobacco, alcohol, coffee, and tea were the addictive substances available, but today there are many more for us to avoid.
We need to use our common sense to make good decisions for our bodies even though every available harmful product is not specified in the Word of Wisdom.
President Boyd K.
Packer of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles simplifies the Word of Wisdom for members of the Church.
He invites all people to follow this admonition for good health for mind and body.
He also teaches us that by caring for our bodies and minds well, we will be sensitive to the Spirit of God guiding us in our lives.
Packer says that the Word of Wisdom is an eternal principle with promises.
"While the Word of Wisdom requires strict obedience, in return it promises health, great treasures of knowledge, and that redemption bought for us by the Lamb of God, who was slain that we might be redeemed.
Surely the Word of Wisdom was given so that you may keep the delicate, sensitive, spiritual part of your nature on proper alert.
Learn to 'listen' to your feelings.
You will be guided and warned and taught and blessed.

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