Wellness Fundamentals
Mark Dobson, Workplace Incentives Partner
Wellness Fundamentals
Wellness fundamentals are the things that fundamentally impact wellness in an organisation. We call them fundamentals because they have a bigger impact than just wellness and the monitoring or the reduction of illness.
If someone is unwell, that fundamentally impacts the entire organisation. If someone is unwell, his or her productivity is reduced. When their productivity is reduced, that impacts the people around them. Those people now will be less efficient because theyre covering someone elses work. They might even have been waiting on something from that specific person.
A knock on effect of this is that their moral can impacted and then when you expand it out further, if that department is now underperforming, then the company is suddenly largely affected. Reduced productivity can lead to reduced profits and in a few short steps you can see the link between one employee and the company at large.
The wellness fundamentals were talking about include topics for consideration such as: nutrition, exercise, rest, state of mind, and the environment that somebody works in.
In the past we have perhaps given these fundamentals little respect or consideration. Some people, on the surface of it, dont see the correlation or the importance of such considerations. However if you look at it, likening it to dealing with the customer whos purchasing your product; its the customer service around your product.
What were saying is that if we were purchasing a watch or a camera then I could purchase that from any of a variety of locations. If we had a positive purchase experience with your company, the people were helpful, the process was easy and the price was fair then were more likely to tell someone else about the experience. Promoting your company.
This can be replicated but with the staff of your company. If you staff have a positive ongoing experience working at your company they are more likely to suggest it to friends but also discuss it with friends. This public discussion and promotion of your company in a positive light is beneficial to you and as a direct result of managing your employees wellness.
Employees feel better cared for and as such want to better at work; its adding value to their job beyond just their pay. The happier an employee is in a role the more likely they are to want to work harder, do well, and as a result make the company as a whole more profitable, more productive, more efficient, and impact positive morale; all as a result of the investment in the wellness fundamentals. We would say pushing around 90% of issues in a workplace stem from. Addressing those fundamentals in a really pertinent and significant way is key for any business.
Wellness Fundamentals
Wellness fundamentals are the things that fundamentally impact wellness in an organisation. We call them fundamentals because they have a bigger impact than just wellness and the monitoring or the reduction of illness.
If someone is unwell, that fundamentally impacts the entire organisation. If someone is unwell, his or her productivity is reduced. When their productivity is reduced, that impacts the people around them. Those people now will be less efficient because theyre covering someone elses work. They might even have been waiting on something from that specific person.
A knock on effect of this is that their moral can impacted and then when you expand it out further, if that department is now underperforming, then the company is suddenly largely affected. Reduced productivity can lead to reduced profits and in a few short steps you can see the link between one employee and the company at large.
The wellness fundamentals were talking about include topics for consideration such as: nutrition, exercise, rest, state of mind, and the environment that somebody works in.
In the past we have perhaps given these fundamentals little respect or consideration. Some people, on the surface of it, dont see the correlation or the importance of such considerations. However if you look at it, likening it to dealing with the customer whos purchasing your product; its the customer service around your product.
What were saying is that if we were purchasing a watch or a camera then I could purchase that from any of a variety of locations. If we had a positive purchase experience with your company, the people were helpful, the process was easy and the price was fair then were more likely to tell someone else about the experience. Promoting your company.
This can be replicated but with the staff of your company. If you staff have a positive ongoing experience working at your company they are more likely to suggest it to friends but also discuss it with friends. This public discussion and promotion of your company in a positive light is beneficial to you and as a direct result of managing your employees wellness.
Employees feel better cared for and as such want to better at work; its adding value to their job beyond just their pay. The happier an employee is in a role the more likely they are to want to work harder, do well, and as a result make the company as a whole more profitable, more productive, more efficient, and impact positive morale; all as a result of the investment in the wellness fundamentals. We would say pushing around 90% of issues in a workplace stem from. Addressing those fundamentals in a really pertinent and significant way is key for any business.