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Pokemon Typing Adventure (EUR) DS ROM Download - NDS ROM 3DS ROM Download

As of this day the Battle and Get! Pokemon Typing DS Game has released its European version and it includes english, italian, greek and other european language. So this game is the game that you might like since it will improve your typing skills and also you can catch all kinds of pokemon with it. It's common knowledge that Pok©mon spin-offs are a bit of a mixed bag. For every Arceus and Mewto (Snap, Mystery Dungeon, Conquest) there are a whole load of Magikarps (Dash, Battle Revolution, Pok©Park). While you may not expect it at first glance, Learn With Pok©mon Typing Adventure actually lies firmly in the former category. The game comes bundled with the Nintendo Wireless Keyboard, a nifty little Bluetooth keyboard (yes, it works with other devices too, though not the Wii) that syncs up to a Bluetooth sensor in the cartridge. You then use the keyboard to type during the game, a sort of Pok©mon version of Sega's cult gem The Typing Of The Dead. The story is hokier than half a hokey cokey. You play a new typist who joins the Elite Typist's Club, a special group who investigate and study Pok©mon by typing their names out. Quite why the Elite Typist's Club would hire someone who initially can't type is anyone's guess, but that's not really important. Teaming up with the cheery Paige Down (ahem), you have to travel through around 60 locations, performing tasks set for you by Professor Quentin Werty (ahem) in an attempt to earn numerous medals and €catch€ all 403 Pok©mon in the game.
At first things start relatively simple - the first batch of Pok©mon only require you to type in the first letter of their name in order to catch them - but as you progress through each area you have to type more and more until you're tasked with bashing out the full names of each Pok©mon quickly before they run off. The game's difficulty curve is such that both young children new to a keyboard and experienced typists will be challenged. It's fairly easy to meet the basic requirements and get a bronze medal on every stage, while getting silvers is simple enough if you're relatively speedy at typing. The gold medal challenges, however, can cause you to turn the air bluer than a Marill at times. Oddly, despite its Learn With Pok©mon moniker, Typing Adventure doesn't put a great deal of focus on actually teaching you how to type. Other than a small section called the Backslash Basics which seven lessons, the main game doesn't often make a point of telling you which fingers to place on which keys, and since the vast majority of the words you'll type are Pok©mon names the skills you learn aren't exactly practical in real life. Unless you end up reviewing Pok©mon games for a living, of course. The points system is also skewed towards Pok©mon addicts. Each Pok©mon will appear for a few seconds before its full name appears on the screen, so if you can identify and type it out before you're told its name you'll get more points than usual. This is more or less essential to get many of the gold medals in the game, so you'd better either be able to identify Pok©mon quickly by their appearance or keep playing each stage over and over until you learn them. As the game progresses the Pok©mon do ever-sneakier things to try to make it harder to identify them early. Some appear as shadows and only become visible at the last minute (Who's That Pok©mon experts should have no problem here), while others hide behind bushes or remain off-screen and shout their trademark cry, forcing you to identify them by brief glimpses or sounds. We didn't think much of Learn With Pok©mon Typing Adventure when it was released and the days of Mario Teaches Typing still sometimes make us wake up with a cold sweat to this day. Against all the odds however, this one delivers. It may not set out to achieve what it intended in the best way - you may learn how to type quicker, but likely as a by-product of how the game's played rather than by playing the handful of lessons in there - but it doesn't matter because it's still oddly compelling. It would be easy to knock this but give it a chance. The keyboard's a nice piece of kit (and works with other devices like iPads and the like), and collecting all 403 Pok©mon in the game will take you a hell of a long time, even if you're an experienced typist (we type for a living and still struggled with many of the gold medal challenges). Worth a look.
If you like to get a copy of this game then you can download this game at Xyphon 3DS ROM Download site, -visit the site complete one survey offer, once you complete one offer you can now be able to access the site and download all ds and 3ds games within 24 hours. So be sure to download all the games that you like in the site. Enjoy and have fun playing Pokemon Typing Adventure European DS ROM Game.

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