Technology Programming

The Importance of Content

Content is a very important component of web design. Text is of vital importance to web design. Website owners typically employ professional copywriters to write content. It is to be kept in mind that writing for the web is different than writing for the print medium. The process to disclose relevant information is dissimilar. Website owners generally use the services of a Content Management System or CMS.

Web design companies usually farm out content production to two distinct responsible areas or persons. The two are the content strategist and the copy writer. The content strategist is entrusted with the job of identifying the chunks of copy required for each page. Examples include headlines, bullet lists and descriptions. Rules like style of copy and character limits are also spelled out by them. The copy writer is the person who actually writes the text for each identified chunk.

Writing for the web involves a radically different strategy. Reading a material on the screen is not similar to read from a page. Text heavy web pages are not popular among the online audience. Therefore, the content strategist and the copy writer must impart the desired knowledge with minimum wording. In this style of writing, the essence is written first, and then supporting details are filled in. It is advisable to use action words and phrases in the text. The term €action words€ and €action phrases€ means words like €learn more€ or €Enrol now€. This is in direct contrast to passive phrased like €More€ or €Our enrollment plan€ that is situated adjacent to the buttons and links that you want the visitors to use.

It is well worth remembering that the web is a series of pages that a user successively navigates through. Therefore, there is no need to put the entire content into a single page. It is advisable to use teaser content on higher level pages like the home page. Visitors can then click to lower level pages to get more detail.

Media specialists are another important part of the web design process. Every good website needs a flash component or video or audio. Flash is an important component in modern web design. It is used to create highly interactive applications. Animations are also created by Flash. The prevalence of specialized media formats and compression schemes led to the development of people who specialized in this type of jobs.

Web developers are an important part of the web design process. A web developer is an individual who assembles the actual web pages in HTML or Hyper Text Markup Language and CSS or Cascading Style Sheets. These professionals pay special heed when they design the front end of a website. This is because of a large number of browsers and configurations to look out for.

All web design Sydney companies have programmers on their payroll. They are responsible for making the website a functionally useful one- like an e-commerce site or social networking site.

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