What are Ear Grommets?
Updated September 03, 2013.
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Question: What are Ear Grommets?
Ear grommets are synthetic ear tubes which are surgically placed into the auditory tube in order to treat fluid in the ear. Ear grommets are also called simply ear tubes, ventilation tubes, pressure equalization (PE) tubes, myringotomy tubes or tympanostomy tubes. They are made of a man made material that is suitable for insertion into the body. This procedure is commonly done in the U.S.
especially for small children who are more likely to experience fluid in the ear and frequent ear infections.
Fluid in the ear occurs when the body's natural ear tube (auditory tube) becomes blocked by debris, enlarged structures such as sinus tissue, adenoids, turbinates, or other growths, or because an individual's anatomy does not give the auditory tubes room to drain properly. Children naturally have a more horizontal auditory tube than adults making them more prone to this problem. When fluid fills the inner ear space it can create symptoms such as dizziness, diminished hearing, a feeling of fullness in the ears, and ear pain. Particularly in children who are actively in the process of developing speech, fluid in the ear can cause speech delays and in severe cases other developmental delays such as the inability to learn to walk due to balance problems. When this occurs ear grommets may be recommended. While it is less common, adults can also develop fluid in the ear or chronic ear infections and some adults also need ear grommets.
While the surgical procedure itself is very short (lasting less than 30 minutes usually) and the recovery is usually mild, adults and children are often put under general anesthesia when having ear grommets placed. This helps them to hold perfectly still while the doctor makes a tiny incision in their ear drum called a myringotomy or tympanostomy, as well as relieving stress and discomfort. It is necessary to go without food or fluids for a period of time before undergoing general anesthesia so that you do not inhale stomach contents into your lungs which can be dangerous. You should receive specific instructions on when to stop eating and drinking prior to the procedure. For your own safety you should follow these instruction exactly, (for more information read Why Can't I Eat or Drink Before Surgery?.
After creating a tiny hole in the ear drum the surgeon will carefully place the ear grommets. Ear grommets are not held in using stitches but are usually held in place by your natural auditory tube. In children, long term ear grommets are not usually necessary and it is desirable that they fall out when the child's auditory tube grows. As the auditory tube widens in diameter the ear grommet will no longer fit snugly inside it and will fall out. This is not painful and you usually do not know when the tube has fallen out unless a doctor examines the ear.
For adults it may be desirable that the ear grommets remain in place for a longer period of time. They are still not stitched in but a kind of grommet that has flanges on it which help to hold it in place are used. This type of ear grommet can fall out on its own or may need to be surgically removed.
If the placement of ear grommets is the only procedure performed people do not typically experience a lot of pain after their surgery. Often the over-the-counter pain reliever acetaminophen is adequate to treat any discomfort. The tiny hole in the ear drum heals on its own within a few days. You may experience side effects of the anesthetic medications you were given. Those who undergo general anesthesia may feel tired or dizzy for a day or so and some will experience nausea. You should receive specific instructions tailored to your situation on what to expect before going home. It is usually recommended that people who have ear grommets keep water out of their ears to avoid infections. If desired, ear plugs, can be worn for swimming or bathing.
American Academy of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery. Ear Tubes. Accessed: August 29, 2012 from http://www.entnet.org/HealthInformation/Ear-Tubes.cfm