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Waiting For The Cell Phone That Will Cook Me Breakfast

My first cell phone made phone calls and stored some phone numbers for me. That was about it. It really didn't need to do much more than that. Then the day came when my beloved cell phone fell out of my jeans pocket and landed in the bottom of the ocean as I stepped on board a friends boat. Its green glowing screen could be seen sitting on the ocean floor but it was a lot deeper than it looked. My cell phone was stuck under about ten feet of water with no way for me to get at it. What would I do with it anyway? It was gone.

So now I was forced to purchase a new phone. Not having had the smarts to purchase insurance on my phone I found myself in the cell phone store searching for my next phone. To my delight I found out that I was entitled to a pretty good-sized credit because I had my previous phone for so long. Apparently they were trying to get me to upgrade for some time now. I chose my phone and went through the process of purchasing it and getting it set up with my phone number. And by the way, I purchased the insurance this time, you just never know.

When I got home with my sleek black little number I immediately went for the guidebook. What exactly could this phone do? I was amazed to find that not only could I store all my phone numbers in the phone but I could also surf the web. I became instantly addicted to checking out the news on my cell phone's tiny screen. Anytime I was momentarily bored, out would come the phone and off I would go to or any of the other news organizations that traveled with me in my purse.

I gave an individual ringer to every name in my phone book and even used the alarm clock function for those twenty-minute power naps I am so fond of in my car. This cell phone has completely replaced my old phone in so many ways that I never dreamed possible. It actually had color on the screen instead of that funky green color my other phone had.

I have loved this phone for a great number of years now. I tend to hold onto things until I absolutely must replace them, but it is now time for a new cell phone. The one, four and seven buttons on this phone sometimes decide not to work. It's a bit scratched and scuffed looking so it is well worn and well loved. It is now time for it to retire. Besides my cell phone company is offering me a great rebate on a new one.

As I search online for the replacement phone I am looking for something that will thrill me the same way that this one did all those years ago. It will have to do something pretty astonishing. The phones today have slide out keyboards, can play your mp3's and will store pictures of your kids, but I am holding out for something pretty big. I am waiting for the cell phone that will cook me breakfast.

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