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What Exactly is a Metal Band Saw?

A metal band saw is a machine that is used for cutting metal primarily.
There are two types of saws.
One is a horizontal band saw.
This is a device that is hand held.
It has a saw blade that is secured between to wheel(pulleys).
One of the wheels is fixed in place and it provides the power to the saw.
This wheel is called the driven wheel.
The driven wheel will provide power either from a motor that is electrically powered or from a combustion engine.
The second wheel is the idler wheel.
This wheel is used to tighten or loosen the blade in the saw.
The metal band saw will use a number of different types of blades depending on what material is being cut.
It will use a diamond blade if it is going to cut glass.
A segmented cold saw blade is used for cutting structural tube, fabrication for billets, aluminum, brass or copper.
Friction & hot saw blades are used to cut steel tubes, angel cuts and decking.
Solid high speed steel saw blades are used for ferrous applications, cutting extrusions, thin wall tubing, bar stock, angel iron and flat bar.
Carbide tipped saw blades cut extrusions, solids, plate to 20 RMS finish or better, aluminum, brass, copper and bronze.
Circular knives can be used to cut rubber, fiber glass and aluminum.
When preparing to cut material, be sure to select the proper blade.
If you use the wrong blade, you may not get an accurate cut, and you can potentially damage the blade.
After you have attached the correct blade, be sure to check for safety.
This entails being sure that there is nothing that will accidentally get caught in the saw blade.
The main things are shirt sleeves and loose shirt tails.
Be sure to wear a facial safety guard or safety goggles.
Sparks fly during cutting and you need to protect your eyes.
If you are using a vertical metal band saw, turn the power on, and carefully feed the material through the saw, into the blade.
You will need to have a device to help you push it close to the blade so that you don't have to put your hand or fingers anywhere near the blade.
Don't push the device you are using into the blade either.
Just use it to push the material close to the blade.
The material at that point should be pulled the rest of the way through by the blade.
If you are using a horizontal metal band saw, tie your material down so that it will not move when you begin your cut.
You should tie it to a cutting table.
Again go through the safety check and wear your protective goggles.
Make sure you have a firm grip on the saw.
Turn on the power and simply push the blade through the material you want to cut.
With either type of saw, remove the blade from the saw as soon as you are finished cutting.
Store it in a place where it will not be damaged or scratched.

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