Reasons to Use Revenue Multiples
A revenue multiple is a valuation measure that usually compares a company’s stock price or its equity value with the amount of the company’s sales revenue. A revenue multiple may be more advantageous sometimes relatively to the widely used price-to-earnings ratio, or P/E ratio, in stock
Five Keys To Staying Alive As a Nonprofit Organization
Surprisingly, there are some organizations which are still thriving. And they are located in both large metropolitan areas and in small, rural communities. Why do some thrive, and others live on the daily edge of dissolution? How does a nonprofit stay alive and live well in these times? There are fi
Is a 529 Tax Free?
A 529 is a college savings plan that offers many tax advantages. Withdrawals from 529 accounts are free from federal tax and often state tax as well. There are also tax deductions available in many states.
Follow the Crowd?
This post describes the difference between following the crowd and leading the crowd. One makes you money and one does not.
Avoiding Companies with No Earnings is Good Idea
It is easy to become excited about a new idea or technology, but investing in companies with no history of making money is risky.
Do You Have an Investment Strategy That Will Get Your Finances Back on Track?
The average investor's thinking needs to change.We need to teach ourselves to invest in the stock market using common sense, not emotion.I treat my investment activities like a business.If a trade is not working out as I had planned, I close it out and move on to the next one.
Grants & Retraining Assistance for Adults Returning to College
You might be anxious about starting college if you have been out of the classroom for a long time. Students over age 24 are considered adult, returning college students. According to the U.S. Department of Education, 40 percent of American college students are 25 or older. Age is not a factor in eli
Second Quarter 2014 Bond Market Performance Overview
Second Quarter 2014 Bond Market Returns: see performance data, key events, drivers of outperformance for corporate and high yield bonds, plus a second half outlook.
Money Matters: What to Do When the Stock Market Soars?
This 500-word article aims to give some advice to those investors who have sat on the sidelines as the market has gone higher and higher. This will try to answer the question of most stock investors of what to do when the market is high. Also outlines in this post some of the best strategies to win
What Happens When a Vendor Places a Lien on Your Vehicle in Houston, Texas?
In Houston, a vendor lien on your vehicle's title represents a third-party financial security in your vehicle until the vendor's charges are paid. Similar to a bank or credit union lien, the vendor lien will only be taken off your vehicle's title when the vendor's outstanding balance is paid off, wh
Elementary School Fundraiser Ideas: Making It Successful
Some fundraisers have ended in a failure and some turned out to be successful. There are a number of issues that can make your fundraising event a failure most especially to the less-experienced ones. To prevent this problem, you have to learn the basics in organizing a fundraising campaign.
What Is the Maturity Date of a Corporate Bond?
The maturity date of a corporate bond is when it matures, that is, the term of the bond is complete and it will no longer pay interest. Furthermore, the principal amount of the bond (amount initially invested) is then reedemable along with any remaining interest payments.
The Definition of Convertible Debenture
A convertible debenture is a type of corporate bond that gives the holder the option to convert it into shares of the issuing company's stock.Convertible debentures give investors a built-in alternative should they feel that holding stock would be more beneficial than holding the debenture to maturi
When to Buy Stock and the Secret to a Hot Stock Pick
I believe that you must trust yourself when to buy stock and go with your instincts.The trick is how to find that hot stock pick.The stock pick isn't nearly as important as the direction of the overall market.
What is Better a Silent Auction Or a Raffle?
A lot of charities tend to try both of these strategies at one time or the other. It is probably a question that a lot of people have asked in the past, because it is hard to know without proper research which is a better option for your charity. Well there are some rules to doing this correctly and
Leaps Vs Options
Leaps and options are the two best ways to gain leverage in the stock market.They each have their own advantages and disadvantages.
Top Bank Mutual Funds
Mutual funds have helped investors increase their financial and retirement goals over the past decade. Although Mutual funds are a good tool for achieving investment goals, there is also the risk for potential loss. When planning an investment strategy, it can be helpful to contact a...
Get the Year End Going
Year end is a time of retrospect and anticipation.For fundraisers, especially those responsible for planned gifts, you remember all that you didn't get done and anticipate all there is to do before December 31!
How to Make Money Buying Scrap Gold
It is easier than you think to make money buying scrap gold. The price of gold is reaching record proportions, and that means more and more people are looking to sell their gold. Many of these people are willing to sell gold, especially broken or damaged scrap items, for less than what the actual me
Best Stock Broker - Living the Online Way
So, you've finally gotten to the point where you have enough income that you feel ready to start investing in the stock market? You'll be joining millions of other Americans who have discovered that investing in the stock market offers perhaps the highest potential rate of return on their