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Good Software for Video Editing

Good Software for Video Editing

Thanks to the advent of inexpensive digital video cameras more people are able to capture memories and express themselves through video than ever before. However, recording a movie is only the beginning. Eventually it needs to be edited so that people can watch it.
Digital Photography Tips - Getting The Most Out Of Your Camera

Digital Photography Tips - Getting The Most Out Of Your Camera

Want to get the most out of your digital camera and not have to worry about your battery going on the fritz or running out or memory? This article will give you some simple tips to keep your photographic sessions running like a charm.
What Is the Difference Between Moderate & High Resolution?

What Is the Difference Between Moderate & High Resolution?

Similar to a tile mosaic, a digital photograph is comprised of millions of tiny blocks of color called pixels. The number of pixels per inch (or "ppi") contained in an image determines the resolution. More pixels in each inch result in clearer, high resolution images; fewer pixels in an inch create
Types of Rechargeable Camera Batteries

Types of Rechargeable Camera Batteries

Using rechargeable camera batteries in your camera is a great way to get the best value for money. These batteries can be used over and over again; some of the best types out there can be used hundreds of times. The biggest difference in quality is due to how long the batteries will last before each
iPhoto Guide

iPhoto Guide

iPhoto makes organising your photos easy as you can sort them in a number of ways such as by event, location and even by who is in the photos. iPhoto allows you to mix these up to create what are known as smart folders. For example you can sort out and view just the photos of your sister on holiday
How to Spot a Meter Using a DSLR

How to Spot a Meter Using a DSLR

Digital single lens reflex cameras, also known as DSLRs, offer the photographer great creative control and light use. One of the tools which helps refine the image is the metering mode on your camera. Using the meter allows the photographer to make a judgment on how much light to allow into the lens
Good Ways to Ruin Fine Photography - #2 Let Stray Light Hit the Lens

Good Ways to Ruin Fine Photography - #2 Let Stray Light Hit the Lens

Light from your subject making it direct through the lens and onto the sensor is good. Non-image forming light from somewhere else reflecting inside the lens from one element to another, several times before it hits the sensor, is bad, but not always. When is it bad, when is it good?
Canon T3 VS Nikon D3100 - Cheap DSLRs Are Improving

Canon T3 VS Nikon D3100 - Cheap DSLRs Are Improving

The world is normal when there is a Canon VS Nikon controversy. This one features two entry-level cameras, the Canon T3 or Nikon D3100. The line in the dust is drawn. Which one is going ...
Basic Digital Photography Guide - Easy to Understand

Basic Digital Photography Guide - Easy to Understand

Today is digital era. Digital cameras are now being more produced than analogue cameras. With its easiness and low cost in developing, many people buy digital cameras. Compact cameras are the most commonly camera, used by traveler. It is fully automatic, just press the shutter and you have the pictu
Important Points to Consider With Wedding Photography Mauritius

Important Points to Consider With Wedding Photography Mauritius

Most of the couples who are soon going to get married start talking about wedding photography around two or three months before. Particularly women groups do everything to make sure that wedding become good to ...
Where Was "North to Alaska" Filmed?

Where Was "North to Alaska" Filmed?

The Twentieth Century-Fox classic Western "North to Alaska" (1960) featured John Wayne in rare comedic role. The film was primarily shot at a variety of locations throughout the state of California, passed off as Alaska through the magic of Hollywood.
A Basic Digital Camera Buying Guide

A Basic Digital Camera Buying Guide

Every year, more and more cameras are being produced by camera manufacturers. They differ in design, features, price, and more, which makes buying a new digital camera confusing, especially for the non-techie. Lack of knowledge needn't be a problem. Help is available, ranging from very basic to
The Great Debate: Digital Vs. Film Photography

The Great Debate: Digital Vs. Film Photography

Ever since the introduction of the digital camera, a war has raged within the photographer community. There are those that would claim 35mm film is the one true "professional" media, and digital its casual, amateur ...
Basic Tips to Enhance Your Photographs

Basic Tips to Enhance Your Photographs

Photography is a creative art and this can be enjoyed if it involves dedication. As we are all aware that it is quite easy to click pictures but the basic idea is how to get the best of your work.
What to Know When Choosing a Creative Zone Mode for the Canon EOS Rebel T2i

What to Know When Choosing a Creative Zone Mode for the Canon EOS Rebel T2i

The T2i has several Creative Zone modes for the experienced photographer. This article will discuss where those modes are located on the camera, as well as the function of each mode.
Want To Start Selling Your Photos Online? Here's How You Can

Want To Start Selling Your Photos Online? Here's How You Can

So you have decided you want to make money selling your photos. What next? First thing is you need to understand the options for selling your photos online. The easiest and simplest way to sell your photos online is as stock photography. We will begin here.
What is a Micro Stock?

What is a Micro Stock?

Micro stock is a type of photography sales, a branch of traditional stock photography retail. In micro stock, photographers sell their pictures on-line for low prices and royalty-free, typically from $.20 to $10. Thousands of photographers earn regular income with this system and have their credited
Taking Videos And Pictures With The Flip Camcorder And A Digital Camera

Taking Videos And Pictures With The Flip Camcorder And A Digital Camera

The development in science and technology in recent years has not just been about developing of devices that make life easier, it has also been a lot about making life more luxurious. One such great ...
What Are Microfilm Reels?

What Are Microfilm Reels?

Microphotography knowledge has been in existence since the mid-1800s. As of 2011, we know this technology as microfilm, which is stored on reels and can be viewed on special microfilm machines. While there is a movement toward digitizing microfilm reels for convenience, they are still stored and use
Useful Tips to Choose a Digital Camera

Useful Tips to Choose a Digital Camera

In the contemporary society camera is considered as a personal possession by large number of people. The fascination for cameras has increased considerably in the recent past, due to the qualitative changes that have taken place in the lifestyles.