Society & Culture & Entertainment Photography

What Is the Difference Between Moderate & High Resolution?


    • A moderate resolution image contains anywhere between 100 to 200 pixels per inch. High resolution images generally consist of 300 ppi or more.


    • Low to moderate resolution images display perfectly fine on a computer screen, but high resolution photos provide crisp, professional prints. Steve Patterson, from, indicates that 240 ppi prints provide adequate picture quality even though 300 ppi is the professional standard.


    • The pixel dimension of a photo in tandem with the resolution determines an image's size. A 1000x1400 pixel image printed at a resolution of 200 ppi results in a 5x7 print, but the same image at 300 ppi prints out at 3.33x4.66.


    • Squeezing more pixels into each inch increases an image's resolution while decreasing its print size, but increasing resolution while simultaneously making the print larger is not possible. You simply cannot add pixels to an image.

    Expert Insight

    • Taking photos at a low or medium resolution saves space on your memory card, but the photo experts at HP Digital Photography recommend shooting in high resolution so you'll always have big images from which to work.

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