Barrett's Esophagus
What do clinicians understand about the epidemiology of Barrett esophagus, and how does that knowledge guide them as they proceed with diagnosing and treating the disease in their patients?
How to Recognize Acid Reflux in Children
Acid reflux in children is a real cause for concern. It drives us frantic when our children are sick and scrunched up in pain. We suffer as much as they do... but how on Earth can we help?
Reasons for Blood in Urine
Learn more from WebMD about the causes of blood in the urine.
Foreword -- Introduction and Perspectives
Jo Buyske, MD, provides an overview of this year's meeting proceedings from her perspective as SAGES 2004 Program Chair.
Top 10 Highlights From ACG 2013
Dr. David Johnson presents his top 10 key scientific presentations from this year's American College of Gastroenterology meeting in San Diego.
Diet for GERD
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a fairly common chronic illness that affects the digestive tract. GERD is caused by a backwash of stomach acid entering the esophagus, which irritates the esophagus' lining and can cause long-term damage over time if untreated. In addition to medication, acc
The Basics of Peptic Ulcers
Get basic information about ulcers -- including causes, types, and treatment -- from the experts at WebMD.
Responses to Gluten Challenge in Adults With Celiac Disease
This study examines the kinetics of responses to gluten that occur in adults with celiac disease undergoing a 14-day gluten challenge.
FibroScan: Where Does It Stand in US Practice
As a non-invasive way of detecting and staging liver disease, how effective and reliable is FibroScan, and are US clinicians using it regularly in their practices?
GERD-Related Injury May Have Immune Trigger
A new study suggests that an immune system response may be the real culprit behind reflux esophagitis.
Adolescent Abdominal Pain
Abdominal pain is a common complaint during the adolescent years. In most cases, it is temporary and does not indicate a serious problem. Sometimes, however, it can indicate critical conditions such as appendicitis.
How Do I Know if I Can't Digest Milk?
If you notice slight to extreme discomfort after consuming products with lactose, you may fall somewhere along the spectrum of being lactose intolerant. Symptoms range from moderate stomachaches to diarrhea and vomiting. The tricky thing with lactose intolerance is that some people have it from birt
An Easy Cure For Heartburn - A Few Changes in Your Diet Will Help!
If you suffer from acid reflux or GERD, you should consider making small changes to your routine to help it.Using prescription drugs could be a final resort if you try these small modifications first. It really can make a huge difference!
Lactose Intolerance-Symptoms
Symptoms of lactose intolerance can be mild or severe, depending on how much lactase your body makes.
Do You Know Enough About The Symptoms Of Acid Reflux?
Acid reflux also known as heartburn is a condition that can be rather unpleasant and discomforting. This article aims to provide further information so that you are aware about the symptoms of acid reflux.
New Directions in the Management of Dyspepsia and GERD
Nimish Vakil, MD, explores the latest information regarding dyspepsia and the natural history of GERD, as framed by data presented at DDW 2007.
Ulcerative Colitis and Nutrition
There's no diet for ulcerative colitis. What you eat doesn't cause or cure UC. But eating a diet rich in nutrients may help you spend more time in remission and live a healthier life.
Diet Therapy for Eosinophilic Esophagitis
Three methods for dietary diagnostics and therapeutics are reviewed, an option for every patient coping with eosinophilic esophagitis.