Parenting : Health & Medical

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Potty Training Babies - When to Start Potty Training?

Potty Training Babies - When to Start Potty Training?

When to start potty training is a question that parents often ask themselves. Potty training babies can be a difficult and frustrating experience so to start training at exactly the right time can be the crucial key.
Toddler Throwing Tantrums - Please Make it Stop!

Toddler Throwing Tantrums - Please Make it Stop!

Is your toddler throwing tantrums? Check out some easy tips to help you in dealing with your child's tantrums.
How to Ensure Your Child Feels Loved: Part 1 - Through Eye Contact

How to Ensure Your Child Feels Loved: Part 1 - Through Eye Contact

Almost every study I know indicates that every child wants to know of his parents, " Do you love me?" and that a child asks this emotional question mostly in his behaviour, seldom verbally. By a child's behaviour he/she tells us what he/she needs, whether it's more love, more dis
Play Outside with Your Child

Play Outside with Your Child

Playing outside is one of those rites of childhood that gets championed by people who feel kids today spend too much time in front of a screen. But for those of us who have children with special needs, outdoor play can be problematic. Here are five ideas for finding fun with your child outdoors.
Children Problems - 6 Tips to Stop a Whining Child

Children Problems - 6 Tips to Stop a Whining Child

One of the most common children problems that parents face is having a whining child. If you have a child who simply cannot stop whining and you want to teach him to request for things in a more proper way, you will learn 6 tips to help you in this article.
Car Seats for Babies

Car Seats for Babies

There are a great deal of car seats for babies on the market today. So many that it can be difficult for new parents to decide which brand or model to purchase. You want to ...
What Are the Steps to Give Up Your Parental Rights in Florida?

What Are the Steps to Give Up Your Parental Rights in Florida?

In Florida, a parent can relinquish her parental rights voluntarily or involuntarily. Relinquishing parental rights can occur for several reasons, including a voluntary choice by a biological parent so that a stepparent or other family member can legally adopt the child, or it may be an involuntary
Are You Holding Your Kids Back From Success?

Are You Holding Your Kids Back From Success?

Until the mid 1800's, children were, for all intents and purposes, tiny adults. They worked long hard hours on the family farm, in mines, or in factories. The country was growing and needed production to sustain itself and its people.
Have You Failed In Life And Now Vicariously Live Through Your Rotten Children

Have You Failed In Life And Now Vicariously Live Through Your Rotten Children

As I review applications from Online Forms to join our group, I am always amazed at those who list their major achievements as being a great parent. In other words they never did anything so great in their lives, but went off to have a bunch of kids and then trumpet their parenting endeavors.
Are Colonics Safe While Breastfeeding?

Are Colonics Safe While Breastfeeding?

Opinions vary on whether or not a woman who is breastfeeding can safely have a colonic performed. Overall, it appears that a water-based enema, or one approved by your doctor is safe to administer while breastfeeding, especially in the case of constipation or inflamed and irritable bowel. However,
101 Blog Content Ideas for Moms

101 Blog Content Ideas for Moms

Stumped on blog content ideas? Keep those creative juices flowing with 101 great blog content ideas for moms.
Giving Our Children a Better Emotional Example Than We Had

Giving Our Children a Better Emotional Example Than We Had

Regardless of our own upbringing, we need to teach our children to recognize and name their emotions. We should be able to talk about all our emotions.
New Choices in Baby Car Seat Covers

New Choices in Baby Car Seat Covers

If you have a baby then you for sure already know the importance of traveling with a baby car seat in your vehicle at all times. In fact, in most western countries it is the law and for good reason. If you are in even a slow moving accident and you don't have your baby strapped into a baby car
'Breast Milk Banks' Gain in Popularity

'Breast Milk Banks' Gain in Popularity

Experts say they're safer than online milk-sharing sources
Child Discipline: Do You Approach it as an Art or a Science?

Child Discipline: Do You Approach it as an Art or a Science?

While some parents may say they've got their child's discipline "down to a science," others view discipline as more of an art form.
Helping You to Help Your Child Learn Through Play

Helping You to Help Your Child Learn Through Play

Play is an important part of childhood. It is also a hugely necessary part of childhood. It is important for all those 'e' adjectives that spring immediately to mind. Your child finds playing exciting, enjoyable, entertaining, even exhilarating... For these reasons alone, playing with your
What You Should Know About Adoption

What You Should Know About Adoption

An article that talks about adoption and how it can affect families.
Fire Safety for Kids Should Be A Year-Round Lesson

Fire Safety for Kids Should Be A Year-Round Lesson

Fire Safety should be observed year-round and adults should constantly reinforce fire safety lessons to kids. The holidays create increased risk for fires, and children should know what to do in the unlikely event of a fire in their home or child care setting.
Top Five Secrets to Get Your Child to Sleep on Time

Top Five Secrets to Get Your Child to Sleep on Time

Parenting is a happy, but difficult experience. You have to attend to all the needs of the family, especially the needs of your child. You make sure he is fed with nutritious food and that his mind and body are developed. You want to make sure that you are nurturing a positive attitude in him and th