Potty Training Babies - When to Start Potty Training?
When we say potty training babies what do we mean by babies? What age is the baby that we are considering potty training for? If you do your research the age group range to start potty training is from at least 18 months and preferably between 24 and 30 months old.
However, there is not a magical age that you say the child is now 'x' age so they are ready to be potty trained.
The parent must be aware of signs that the child is showing that may suggest they may ready to start training.
Every child is different, and every child will show different signs at different times.
There are cases where babies have been trained before 18 months (very rare) and there are cases where children are still not trained at the age of 4.
Every child is not the same! There are statistics that show in the Western World 50% of children are potty trained by the age of 3 and 26% of children are still not trained by the age of 4.
So what are the signs that a parent should be looking out for? Let us have a look at a few here.
· Ideally the child should be 18 months or over (this is flexible) · The child should start be curious about the potty or their parents going to the toilet · They should hold no fears with a toilet, potty or bathroom in their house · They may also be able to indicate to the parents in some way they need to go · They need to have fairly regular bowel movements and wet diapers or nappies · They need to respond to directions from parents and accept praise or rewards if they follow those directions These are some of the common signs to be aware of when considering starting potty training with your child.
The child should never be put under any stress regarding the training, and parents need to have a great deal of patience with the child.
If the child is put under stress regarding any part of the training then they are likely to distance themselves from the exercise.
Slow and steady wins the prize.
However, there is not a magical age that you say the child is now 'x' age so they are ready to be potty trained.
The parent must be aware of signs that the child is showing that may suggest they may ready to start training.
Every child is different, and every child will show different signs at different times.
There are cases where babies have been trained before 18 months (very rare) and there are cases where children are still not trained at the age of 4.
Every child is not the same! There are statistics that show in the Western World 50% of children are potty trained by the age of 3 and 26% of children are still not trained by the age of 4.
So what are the signs that a parent should be looking out for? Let us have a look at a few here.
· Ideally the child should be 18 months or over (this is flexible) · The child should start be curious about the potty or their parents going to the toilet · They should hold no fears with a toilet, potty or bathroom in their house · They may also be able to indicate to the parents in some way they need to go · They need to have fairly regular bowel movements and wet diapers or nappies · They need to respond to directions from parents and accept praise or rewards if they follow those directions These are some of the common signs to be aware of when considering starting potty training with your child.
The child should never be put under any stress regarding the training, and parents need to have a great deal of patience with the child.
If the child is put under stress regarding any part of the training then they are likely to distance themselves from the exercise.
Slow and steady wins the prize.