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Summer Reading List for Fifth Graders

Summer Reading List for Fifth Graders

This fifth grade summer reading list contains a number of Newbery Award winning books with challenging themes as well as a few anthologies for the reader who doesn't want all of her summer reading in one long book.
The Pitfalls of Over-Scheduling Your Child

The Pitfalls of Over-Scheduling Your Child

It's no secret that American children have jam-packed schedules and expectations that most adults never had to deal with. But you might be surprised to learn that many children carry around a PDA to store schedules and contact information, and a cell phone to stay connected to parents who may b
Choosing to Adopt

Choosing to Adopt

Making a decision to adopt a child into your family is often arduous, soul searching and heart rendering.It can take months, or even years to decide on such a matter and once the decision has been made by all parties involved, it can take further months of hopeful waiting and tests.
Autism And Asperger' s Syndrome

Autism And Asperger' s Syndrome

It is every parent's nightmare for a child to be born with some form of disability. In the case of most physical disabilities this can be obvious or at least quickly diagnosed by a doctor. However, less obvious are disabilities or abnormalities associated with the child's brain. Autism is
Youth Activities in Detroit, Michigan

Youth Activities in Detroit, Michigan

Youth activities offer kids education and image by Sandra Henderson from Fotolia.comWhether children like facts, ideas or action, Detroit, Michigan has something to keep them entertained. The city offers to so many youth activities that the difficulty does not lie in finding...
Daycare Health Policies

Daycare Health Policies

When deciding to put a child in daycare, one main thing to be concerned about are their health policies. These are rules and regulations put into place to ensure children are entering a healthy environment.
Last Minute Birthday Pyjamas

Last Minute Birthday Pyjamas

Every parent has been there - in fact, anyone over the age of twenty five (apart from the very few who don't know anyone with kids) has been there as well. Kids' birthdays are the ea
6 Codes and Ciphers to Teach the Grandchildren

6 Codes and Ciphers to Teach the Grandchildren

Codes and ciphers are a sneaky way to teach the grandchildren reasoning skills. If you call them spy codes, they'll enjoy them even more.
NLP Tip - Dealing With Information Gaps For Kinesthetic Students

NLP Tip - Dealing With Information Gaps For Kinesthetic Students

There are times during which a student is learning that teaching something in a sense system other than their primary sense system will cause gaps to form in the information flow. They will have gone from point A to point C and will be missing point B along the way.


Thanks so much to these parents for submitting pictures of their children for the Twos and Older photo gallery.
How to Choose Best Military Schools for Troubled Teenagers in Fresno

How to Choose Best Military Schools for Troubled Teenagers in Fresno

These colleges are not only providing teaching atmosphere but also offer self confidence building skills to youth. These academies also offer training facilities and job placement amenities for youngs
Take Advantage of Tax-Free Shopping in Tennessee

Take Advantage of Tax-Free Shopping in Tennessee

Tennessee's tax free weekend for 2015 is coming up in August. Get the dates, plus smart shopping tips and more.
Nits - Hair Care For Children

Nits - Hair Care For Children

As anyone who has had head lice will tell you, getting rid of head lice is more than a small inconvenience. Lice are easily transferred person-to-person, especially young children who play close together and share toys and belongings. Girls with long hair pose a greater challenge to eradicating thes
Potty Training Your Infant With Elimination Communication

Potty Training Your Infant With Elimination Communication

Are you a new parent who is interested in natural living? Maybe you're considering cloth diapering - they save money, and they are better for the environment. Well, why not take it a step further? Try Elimination Communication! The benefits of infant potty training are amazing!
Better Behaved Children and Teaching Consequences

Better Behaved Children and Teaching Consequences

The type of consequences you use on your children can make a big difference in their reaction and whether you are successful in teaching a lesson or just creating more resentments and power struggles. Unfortunately, in child-rearing the word "consequence" is often used to mean punishment.
In Every Family, There Is a Pecking Order

In Every Family, There Is a Pecking Order

I've always been a student of "Life's Truths" because they're so...well...true. Being a parent of six, this one particularly has always intrigued me... "Life's Truths number 235."
Recognizing Developmental Delays in Children

Recognizing Developmental Delays in Children

Do you know the signs of a possible developmental delay in your child? WebMD tells you what to watch for and when it’s important to contact your pediatrician.
Five Successful Tips for Improving Your Child's Behavior

Five Successful Tips for Improving Your Child's Behavior

As parents of an ADHD child, you have probably felt frustration with your child's impulsivity, inattention and restlessness. Here are five tips that can help and teach your child to be more in control of their behavior and still maintain their natural curiosity and enthusiasm.
Baby Bedtime Fussiness

Baby Bedtime Fussiness

If you are able to get your baby right to bed at night and have them sleep for a few hours at a time, it can feel like a wonderful victory.But, if your baby fusses about going to bed and then reawa...