Drug Plus Counseling Helps Women Quit Smoking
Combining a smoking-cessation medication with behavioral therapy that emphasizes weight management is effective in helping women abstain from smoking, according to a new study.
A Breif History Of Inpatient Drug Treatment And Rehabilitation Methods
Inpatient drug treatment has been a source of mixed information over the last few decades that is seemingly unchanging for the most part. Success in addiction recovery now seems to require being diagnosed with a mental illness and put on mind altering psychiatric drugs. Actually successfully regaini
Why Smoke Cigarettes? 3 Reasons Why People Smoke and Why They Are False
It almost seems common knowledge today that smoking is bad for you. Why smoke cigarettes then? What benefit could there be to smoking? Even though most smokers know the risk of their habit they may have formed their own reasons to continue smoking.
Jack Gean Shelter for Men of Savannah TN
Substance abuse treatment services offered by Jack Gean Shelter for Men of Savannah TN
Gain knowledge of about Cigna Behavioral Health...
Gain knowledge of about Cigna Behavioral Health Software and also Expert services to do with Cigna Behavioral Health Cigna Behavioral Health is much more rather than some insurance company to obtain wellness. It's created present ...
David Lawrence Center of Naples FL
Mix of mental health and substance abuse services offered by David Lawrence Center of Naples FL
Planning To Quit Smoking Cigarettes
Most people will quit smoking cigarettes cold turkey, they haven't got a fixed date. If you're able to do it this way then you're free to try, however keep one thing in mind: Recent statistics show that over 80% of the smokers that don't fix a particular date and really make a pr
Maine A.A. Meeting Contacts
Alcoholics Anonymous Intergroups and Central Office telephone numbers for Maine.
12 and 12 Inc of Tulsa OK
Substance abuse treatment services offered by 12 and 12 Inc of Tulsa OK
How To Quit Smoking When You Like The Taste Of Cigarettes
It's one thing to know you should quit smoking, that your friends and family are pressuring you and it's costing you a fortune and it's anti-social, but when you really like to smoke then you really need to find out how to quit smoking. When someone likes the taste and ritual of smoki
Quitting Smoking Benefits - The Good Stuff Starts Right Away!
The benefits of quitting smoking are endless and will continue for the rest of your life. The big questions are: are you going to make the commitment to quit, and if so, is there a way to do it that won't drive you nuts? Read on...
Benefits Of Using A Vaporizer
A vaporizer is a device that is used for inhaling the vapor of herbs and plants.Vaporizers have existed for a long time, and have been popularly used by many.
Alcoholism Drugs 'Not Miracle Cures
The Caron Foundation's medical director warns that newly approved medications for the treatment of alcoholism are not a miracle cure and should only be used in conjunction with a complete recovery program.
Prescription Painkiller Abuse
If you know someone who is abusing drugs, there is help for them. It is a hard road to travel for them and their families.
Dale's Quit Smoking Story
"I can beat this thing. I found a business card at a open air vendors booth and started a log of how long I had not had a cigarette. Every time I hade the urge, I take out the card and see the numbers."
Zero Tolerance
The definition of 'Zero Tolerance' from the Drunk Driving glossary at the About.com Alcoholism / Substance Abuse site.
How to Quit Smoking in the Shortest Time Possible!
The substance in cigarettes that is responsible for addiction is called nicotine which is an exctitatory (promotes transmission at synapses) substance that causes your brain's dopamine levels to temporarily increase. Once your body gets used to these increased levels of dopamine it starts to pr
Quit Smoking Tip - Why Has Everything You Tried Failed?
Many people who smoke realize the adverse health affects and are desperate to quit, but just need a little help. But, is there one quit smoking tip that will help you kick the habit for ...
Easiest Way to Quit Smoking - The Secret Revealed
The easiest way to quit smoking is a solution every smoker seeks. It is the holy grail. The vast majority of smokers who try to quit go through a torrid time. They suffer from stress, anxiety, frustration, temptation, self-doubt and massive mood swings. However, it doesn't have to be this way.
Heavy Smokers Have a Dementia Disease Risk
Heavy smokers would be very threatened to have the dementia disease or senile. Those who are used to smoke two packs of cigarettes per day would be very risky two times more likely to suffer from dementia at the time of middle age.