Health & Medical Addiction & Recovery

Easiest Way to Quit Smoking - The Secret Revealed

The easiest way to quit smoking is a solution every smoker seeks.
It is the holy grail.
The vast majority of smokers who try to quit go through a torrid time.
They suffer from stress, anxiety, frustration, temptation, self-doubt and massive mood swings.
However, it doesn't have to be this way.
In fact, it should be completely the opposite.
Quitting smoking should be easy, relaxed and a lot of fun to do.
There is plenty of anecdotal evidence to suggest that hundreds of thousands of smokers can kick cigarettes with utter simplicity when they choose the easiest way to quit smoking.
The easiest way to quit smoking is using hypnosis.
Don't be alarmed at that suggestion.
Hypnosis does not mean having to go into a deep trance.
In fact, you can be hypnotized from the comfort of your own home by simply reading a book or listening to a CD.
Hypnosis is widely misunderstood.
In essence, hypnosis simply involves changing your belief patterns.
For example, if you believe that you need a cigarette to fix your anxiety, then hypnosis will question why you believe that is the case.
Ultimately the aim is to make you look at things in a different way and to change your belief patterns accordingly.
Understand this -- smoking is primarily a psychological addiction.
Nicotine is not a particularly physically addictive substance...
if it was, you wouldn't hear so many stories of people quitting the habit with ease.
To this extent, hypnosis changes your psychology from an addictive personality to one which is free of its constraints.
Smokers don't need reasons to quit.
Smokers need to demolish the reasons why they continue to smoke.
Think about it -- if you have ever tried to quit smoking and failed, it is because you have convinced yourself that you need cigarettes for a particular reason.
If hypnosis removes all your reasons to smoke, then you will not have the need.
The easiest way to quit smoking, in my opinion, is undoubtedly the use of hypnosis.
Nicotine patches and gum don't solve the problem, but rather provide a quick fix.
The underlying problem is your psychology, and if you don't smash the reasons you continue to smoke, then they will always linger in your head.
I would suggest reading a book which deals with quitting smoking, as it will almost certainly have a hypnotic element to it.
If you want to quit as soon as possible, perhaps even today, then I would recommend buying a good online CD or MP3 course that you can listen to.
Hypnosis is the easiest way to quit smoking -- give it a chance to prove it.

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