What a Connecticut Bakery Can Do For Your Event
Are you planning an event with desserts or refreshments in Connecticut? Here are ways a Connecticut bakery can help your event or party.
Marzipan Trios
Marzipan Trios are an easy marzipan candy recipe. Three different flavors of marzipan are rolled into balls and dipped in chocolate for this simple but elegant candy.
List of Martini Drinks
Add olive juice and an olive to gin and dry vermouth to make a dirty martini.martini image by Jarek Miarka from Fotolia.comMartini connoisseurs often argue there is only one "true" martini, gin and dry vermouth. The "martini" tag has now been adopted to describe a range of cocktails, with...
Spanish and European Ingredients
Christopher Columbus arrived in the area in 1492 and introduced sugarcane. It didnt take long to discover that rum could be made from fermented cane juice. Bacardi Rum is a standard ingredient in many tropical refreshments. Other Europeans followed the Spain in colonizing the islands and broug
E-Juice With Different Flavor Drops
Latest development in cigarettes is Electronic Cigarettes (E-Cig). E-cig is nothing but an electronic cigarette device which has small amounts of nicotine.
See what "cage-free" means (and doesn't mean!)
What are "cage-free" eggs? Find out here.
Pecan Recipes and Information
Pecan pie recipes, including original Karo pie, pumpkin pecan pies, chocolate pecan pies and the Kentucky chocolate chip and pecan pies.
Hawaiian Food Gifts
The fertile ground in Hawaii grows an abundance of fruits and vegetables.hawaii landscape image by Janina Sund from Fotolia.comThe cuisine of Hawaii is heavily influenced by the cultures of the immigrants who now call Hawaii home. Foods and recipes from the Chinese, Filipino, Japanese,...
How to Rebuild Internal Cleansing
Doing a cleanse may evoke images of models and movie stars. But carrying out a detox on your body is a healthy practice that everyone can try, regardless of your celebrity status. An internal cleanse does not mean starving yourself on a gimmicky diet, but listening to your body and cleansing your co
How to Use a JC Penney Food Processor
J.C. Penney offers food processors from two major appliance companies: KitchenAid and Cuisinart. These processors offer reliable chopping and dicing power, but they can be confusing to operate. Fortunately, KitchenAid and Cuisinart food processors operate in much the same way and are easy to use onc
Snack Foods High in Iron
Active lifestyles, hectic work schedules and school sometimes make it difficult to eat on schedule or get all the nutrients at meal times. Snacks play an important part in a healthy diet and snacking is good for a person. To keep energy, up snacking on foods high in iron can keep a body going strong
What Makes Candy Sour?
Sour candies have become very popular during the past thirty years. Citric acid is used to make these candies sour. Citric acid was first obtained from lemon juice in 1784, and now is commonly used to make sour candies.
Grilled Cheese and Tomato
This grilled cheese sandwich recipe is a classic. It comes gooey cheddar cheese with juicy fresh tomato between two slices of grilled Italian bread.
Easy Scrambled Corn with Bell Peppers and Cream
A recipe for sweet corn sauteed with butter, onion and green pepper, then cream is added to the skillet.
How Long Can You Store Chocolate Chips?
The FactsWhile only limited data on the expiration of chocolate and chocolate chips is available, chocolate will indeed pass its prime. Whether or not chocolate chips actually expire is debatable. Chocolate confection companies may or may not place expiration dates on their chocolate....
How to Cook Barbecue Ribs in a Pressure Canner
Cooking barbecued ribs is so simple in a pressure cooker or canner. The ribs cook in almost no time, and they will be tender in much less time than it takes to cook them in the oven or crock pot. Pressure cookers make life easy for cooks because they cook so quickly and meats in particular are moist
How to Bake Yukon Gold Potatoes
With their thin skin and naturally buttery flavor, Yukon golds make excellent baking potatoes. According to "The Great Potato Book," they were developed in Canada in the 1980s and since then have cropped up in grocery stores across the United States. Marked by their signature pink eyes, golden skin
How to Refrigerate Cooked Egg Whites
The nutritional and health benefits of eggs go far beyond the source of easily digestible protein that they provide. According to Incredibleegg.org, the average egg contains 13 essential nutrients, as well as being a notable source of choline, which supports brain function and riboflavin. If you're
Orchids The Masculinity Plant
Orchids Elegance And Glamour
Eating Disorders: Anorexia May Meet Her Need for Belonging
Adolescent girls have many needs and their perception is the eating disorder meets these needs. One of those needs is for Belonging.