Pets & Animal Pets Birds

Understanding Finch Mating

Upon reaching adulthood, finches begin to exhibit changes in their behavior.
It is comparable to the stage when teenagers are driven by their hormones.
While they are playful from the beginning, they become more aggressive in seeking out partners as they are nearing the adult stage.
Both genders start giving out signals to each other that they are at a ripe age when they can breed healthy babies.
The basic rule in finch mating is observing the behavior of your pets and looking for signs that they are ready to breed.
Courting - Like other wildlife, finches also go through a courting period.
During this time, the male begins feeding the female with food.
At first, the female finch will ask for food from her male friends and when they hit it off, the male will regurgitate or "mock feed" food into her bill.
There are certain types of finches that are difficult to set apart the males from the females.
A good technique that you can employ in finch mating is putting them into groups of four so that you can observe which is the female of the bunch.
It's always about attraction.
Nesting - There is natural symbiosis between both sexes during mating.
As soon as they have spotted their partner, they will instinctively begin setting up the nest.
The female is the one who builds the nest while the male is the one responsible for providing materials.
Another characteristic of the males is that they are overly protective of their partners and wouldn't want other males to encroach on their territory.
They will not allow another male anywhere near the nest and will seek out help from other female finches for defense.
Parenting - It takes about a month for the parent finches to provide warmth and protection for their young.
But after this finch mating stage, they start weaning out the babies especially when it is time to breed again.
Although sometimes playful, parents will not hesitate to chase and growl at their young if they are stubborn not to leave the nest.
But adult finches are okay with the company of young finches when they are all kept inside the cage.
Territories are an important aspect of finch mating.
They will fight for their territory because it is where they raise the family.
Males also use this as an opportunity to display his strength to his partner.
Birds are not necessarily monogamous.
They can have different mates at different mating season, although most prefer the same partner.
The finch mating scene is a sight to behold.
After choosing a mate, the male begins to dance around and sing to further please his partner.
The female will then make a final decision to accept the male and will raise and wag her tail.
It takes several mating sessions for the couple to finally begin building the nest.
The female finch is extra-protective of her eggs when incubating them.
This usually results into a remarkably strong bond between the offspring and the parents.

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