Health & Medical Women's Health

Need Help For Dry Hair?

Unfortunately many of us are cursed with dry hair. And all us gals and guys with this type of hair know that it can look dull and straw like - very unattractive and frustrating. I happen to believe my problem dry hair is a result of genetics and not something I did or continue to do. We all hear things that if you are not treating your hair right, you will develop dry, lack luster hair. They say things like blow drying, straightening, curling and all those other wonderful things we do in the name of vanity do not help our plight. Now since "genes" have given me dry hair, I have done some research on the big Dos and Don'ts for dry hair and some treatments that they claim actually work. Not that I'm admitting to doing anything harmful to my mane, I vow to try some, maybe even all, of these Dos and Don'ts. Can't hurt right! Feel free to do the same and please let me know your results so we can compare notes.


- Be gentle to your hair. Use a only wide tooth comb, definitely not metal, on hair when it is wet since hair stretches more when wet and can easily break or get damaged.

- Use mild shampoo. Shampoo made for dry or damaged hair is usually mild which means it will not rob your hair of all the natural oils. In a pinch I have used my son's baby shampoo which is extremely mild.

- Shampooing about three times a week is plenty for dry hair. Other days just wet it if you must and always use hair conditioner.

- If you have long hair, when you do shampoo, try to shampoo only the scalp and the hair closest to it. Piling it all up on your head and vigorously lathering does not help and can break the hair. So much for what the shampoo commercials portray. The shampoo will clean the rest of your hair, ends and all, as it is rinsed out.

- As much as it is very chic to have your tresses blowing freely in the wind like shown in the movies, this is not healthy, specially for dry hair. Whether it is a hot summer breeze or a cold drafty one, it will thoroughly dry out your hair and quickly.

- Trim off the dry ends. This one hurts! Although long, shiny hair is considered so very sexy; long, dry, dull hair is not. Let's get our hair healthy and then we can all flip it around in that glamorous way.

- Never swim in chlorine or salt water without protection. Here I am not talking about a life preserver, although if you need one go for it. I am talking about a swim cap. Yes, this is one of the things I am definitely not willing to do for beautiful hair. If you are brave enough use the cap or for cowards like me drench your hair in a protective hair product with SPF or you can even use a dab of olive oil.

- Try a leave-in conditioner. These tend to do the same thing for your hair as face moisturizers do for your face. They will keep your hair quenched all day and also tame the frizzies.
- Use only natural bristles brushes for styling.


- Do not brush hair when wet.

- Do not towel dry it vigorously. Gentle remember.

- Do not blow dry your hair or use other tools like straighteners, curlers etc. Naturally air drying your hair is best. Well at minimum don't do this everyday and never use two of these tools during one grooming session.

- Do not blow dry hair that is soaking wet. Let it air dry to where it is barely damp and then use you hair dryer. Less time in heat means less damage and dryness.

- Do not use any styling tool on the hottest setting.

- Do not use any styling product with alcohol - definitely not one that has it listed as one of the top couple of ingredients.


- Mayonnaise makes a great conditioner. If you have enough time, leave it on for an hour and you will like the results. If you are in a hurry, even 5 minutes of this goo will help.

- Use conditioners that have omega 3 or lipids which will replace lost moisture.

- A natural leave-in solution is to take a couple of drops of safflower oil and run it through dried hair from roots to ends.

Jojoba oil or coconut oil work as a great deep conditioner. For that matter you can use just about any oil. Apply the oil, wrap your hair with plastic wrap and cover with a towel to keep the heat in. Rinse with cool water, shampoo, condition and voila.

- Emu oil is the latest craze and is supposed to be the best thing for dry hair. Try it if you can find it.

I know all this is not going to be easy but let's all try to picture the end result of gorgeous, silky movie star hair that will get those jealous looks wherever we go.

Wishing you many, many good hair days!

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