Society & Culture & Entertainment Education

Sharks - What You Should Know Before Going Into the Water

Sharks - Everyone should watch "Shark Week".
It is a series of shows all about sharks that usually airs in August every year.
If you want to learn about sharks and want to be able to survive an attack, "Shark Week" is a show to watch.
The most dangerous sharks are the Great White Shark, the Tiger Shark and the Bull shark is next in line.
Did you know that there are only approximately 100 shark attacks each year and usually only 10 or less result in death.
One would think no one can survive a shark attack.
They do live to tell about it.
That is where we get all of our information about how and why sharks attack.
Great White Sharks attack more people than any other type of shark.
They can grow up to 25 feet long, but the average size is 12 feet long, and they can weigh up to 3000 pounds.
This shark can actually lift its head out of the water as other sharks cannot.
The Tiger Shark is second place for attacks on people.
They will eat anything and everything.
They have been found with clocks, cushions and many other kinds of debris from the ocean in their stomachs.
They gobble up anything floating.
The Bull Shark is the third place winner for attacks on people.
They are the third most dangerous to people.
They can swim in salt water and fresh water.
No other shark can do that.
They have even been found in the Mississippi River.
This is one thing scientists cannot figure out how or why they can go from the salty ocean to fresh water.
They are continuing their research to see how there bodies can adjust so quickly.
What makes all of the above sharks such great predators is that they have super senses.
They can smell a drop of blood in the ocean from a mile away.
It is believed that two thirds of their brain is just for their sense of smell.
They also say that sharks are similar to cats.
This layering in their eyes allows them to see better in the water which allows them to hunt in clear seas and in murky water.
They can feel vibrations in the water from a line of canals from its head to its tail.
They fill with water and have tiny hairs growing out of them.
The hairs move when there is a vibration in the water.
They follow the vibration.
So, when swimming, avoid early morning and early evening.
This is their hunting time.
Avoid murky water and waters where you can see seals and sea turtles.
The main prey of sharks are seals and sea turtles.
If you see any of these, a hunting shark could be nearby.

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