"Family Guy" Official Site Profile
In the "Family Guy" downloads section, you can download wallpapers or buddy icons. The wallpapers display various characters, and some are parodies of movies or shows, such as Stewie coming out of an "Alien" egg. The buddy icons are animated and feature various characters and promotional graphics.
In the multimedia section of the "Family Guy" web site fans will be happy to watch the featured video clip of the day, or watch archived episode clips or promotional clips.
Listen to audio clips from the "Family Guy Live in Las Vegas" CD and watch the video of "Stewie's Sexy Party." "Family Guy Live!" clips include talking to the actors behind the scenes, as well as some shots from the peformance. Finally, you can send e-cards to friends and family. They aren't animated but will be soon.
About the Show:
This menu of options gives you a lot of great features. Choose cast bios to watch clips of each actor being interviewed. The character bios give you audio clips and funny personal profiles. The episode guide covers every season so far, and includes links to episode clips, when they're available. The "Coming Soon" section advertises web site features that will be added later, like animated e-cards.
Dive into the craziness that is the staff of "Family Guy." Read their postings (and they post a lot) and then add comments, or read other fan comments. Be careful, you can get lost in there and never come back.
This is a typical community section, and it's thriving.
You can answer silly polls about characters and whatnot, or post a message to the board, or enter the current sweepstakes.
"Family Guy" has taken a lesson from "The Simpsons" in terms of merchandising. They are pumping out collectibles, toys, DVDs, CDs, bath towels, shot glasses and more. You can buy it all here.
The Quahog Informant:
This is a funny fictional area that offers some nice things to kill the time. You can read news reports, watch clips from behind the scenes of "Family Guy," or read quotes and dialogue from the show in bits like "Wisdom from West." Don't miss "Quickies with Quagmire." You can watch moving comic books of scenes taken from "Family Guy." Freakin' sweet!
Upcoming Events:
"Upcoming Events" is a calendar with icons representing airtimes, site updates, events, product releases and "crazy day." This feature would be cool, except that it's already outdated.
This site is a far cry from the original web site way back when the show had its first run. There's a lot more fun stuff for fans now that Fox has caught on to the idea of the Internet. The site is done in all Flash, so it's moving and pretty to look at. Stewie gives funny audio introductions to the site and descriptions of menus. It's too bad his quotes aren't random because if you use the same menus over and over, the joke gets old. Sprinkled throughout the site are characters like Peter, Chris, Lois and Brian who have quote bubbles with funny things to say about each area.
In the "Family Guy" downloads section, you can download wallpapers or buddy icons. The wallpapers display various characters, and some are parodies of movies or shows, such as Stewie coming out of an "Alien" egg. The buddy icons are animated and feature various characters and promotional graphics.
In the multimedia section of the "Family Guy" web site fans will be happy to watch the featured video clip of the day, or watch archived episode clips or promotional clips.
Listen to audio clips from the "Family Guy Live in Las Vegas" CD and watch the video of "Stewie's Sexy Party." "Family Guy Live!" clips include talking to the actors behind the scenes, as well as some shots from the peformance. Finally, you can send e-cards to friends and family. They aren't animated but will be soon.
About the Show:
This menu of options gives you a lot of great features. Choose cast bios to watch clips of each actor being interviewed. The character bios give you audio clips and funny personal profiles. The episode guide covers every season so far, and includes links to episode clips, when they're available. The "Coming Soon" section advertises web site features that will be added later, like animated e-cards.
Dive into the craziness that is the staff of "Family Guy." Read their postings (and they post a lot) and then add comments, or read other fan comments. Be careful, you can get lost in there and never come back.
This is a typical community section, and it's thriving.
You can answer silly polls about characters and whatnot, or post a message to the board, or enter the current sweepstakes.
"Family Guy" has taken a lesson from "The Simpsons" in terms of merchandising. They are pumping out collectibles, toys, DVDs, CDs, bath towels, shot glasses and more. You can buy it all here.
The Quahog Informant:
This is a funny fictional area that offers some nice things to kill the time. You can read news reports, watch clips from behind the scenes of "Family Guy," or read quotes and dialogue from the show in bits like "Wisdom from West." Don't miss "Quickies with Quagmire." You can watch moving comic books of scenes taken from "Family Guy." Freakin' sweet!
Upcoming Events:
"Upcoming Events" is a calendar with icons representing airtimes, site updates, events, product releases and "crazy day." This feature would be cool, except that it's already outdated.
This site is a far cry from the original web site way back when the show had its first run. There's a lot more fun stuff for fans now that Fox has caught on to the idea of the Internet. The site is done in all Flash, so it's moving and pretty to look at. Stewie gives funny audio introductions to the site and descriptions of menus. It's too bad his quotes aren't random because if you use the same menus over and over, the joke gets old. Sprinkled throughout the site are characters like Peter, Chris, Lois and Brian who have quote bubbles with funny things to say about each area.