Health & Medical Addiction & Recovery

Methamphetamine Addiction And Detox

methMethamphetamine also known as Meth is a widely used stimulant. It is relatively easy to make, however, dangerous, and can lead to a serious addiction and even death. This is why anyone with a Meth Addiction should seek help and go through meth detox in order to get their lives back on track and not fall deeper into the vortex of addiction.


Methamphetamine is described as a psychostimulant and is in the class of psychoactive drugs. This particular drug is known to produce heightened alertness as well as concentration and energy. In high doses meth can even produce euphoria, enhance self esteem and even increase libido. It is a highly addictive substance.  Meth, similar to crack, offers a cascading release of dopamine within the brain. Although methamphetamine is FDA approved for certain treatments concerning ADHD as well as exogenous obesity, it is known is prescription form as Desoxyn.

Physical Side Effects

Some of the physical side effects associated with the use of meth include; anorexia, dilated pupils, hyperactivity, dry mouth, tachycardia, hypertension, diarrhea, blurred vision, dizziness, insomnia, and palpitations just to name a few. High doses of meth can lead to convulsions, cardiac arrest, stroke, and ultimately death.  It is widely known to affect the cardiovascular system, and heart disease is a common result of long term use.

Meth Mouth

Methamphetamine is a drug that severely ages people. In a two year span users can look almost ten years older. Another side effect that is particular to those who use meth includes what is called meth mouth. Meth mouth is a common term when describing a meth users lack of teeth. This term is derived from the fact that many addicts lose their teeth at an alarmingly abnormal rate. This condition is referred to as meth mouth.  This is believed to be caused by a condition called xerostomia which means dry mouth. In conjunction with poor oral hygiene and the frequent consumptions of high calorie carbonated drunks and bruxism which is the grinding of teeth.

Meth Withdrawal

Meth withdrawal symptoms include depression, and fatigue as well as an increased appetite. These symptoms can last for days or even months depending on the severity of use. Some symptoms last for years. Other symptoms include anxiety, irritability, agitation akathisia, excessive sleeping, bizarre dreams, and suicidal ideation to name a few.  Because of the physical withdrawal symptoms as well as the danger regarding the psychological symptoms of withdrawal it is important to go through a detox center that is supervised medically. This will allow a safe and secure environment for the withdrawal process.

Meth is unfortunately a highly addictive and common drug. It can be made in homes and has spread like wild fire in poor Midwestern areas. Meth addiction is a detriment to society and ruins lives. This is why treatment at a meth detox is so important for anyone addicted to meth or abusing meth. The right detox and treatment will help those addicted get back on track and start a new life meth free. 

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