Business & Finance Debt

Having trouble paying your bills?

The road to financial health is ahead. Our debt management program will help you stop the collections calls, lower your monthly payment and help you get out of debt.

As a non-profit credit counseling agency with over 30 years of experience, we help people get out of debt. We provide financial tools and resources to help our clients learn effective budgeting techniques. We help our clients achieve financial health by creating a personalized debt management plan to reduce their debt.

  1. Two or more accounts (credit cards, loans)
  2. A source of income
  3. A desire to get out of debt.

If an individual meets these simple requirements, they may be a good candidate for a debt management plan.

To determine full eligibility, please fill out our online DMP application, contact one of our dedicated credit counselors, or call us.

We will determine the best option to relieve the debt. All calls are free and strictly confidential.

Get Started with Pioneer Credit Counseling Today

Danger Signs: Too Much Debt

  • Use one credit card to pay off another.
  • Credit limit is frozen.
  • Receiving over the limit fees on credit card accounts.
  • Thinking of filing for bankruptcy.
  • Credit balances exceed income.
  • Behind on monthly payments.
  • Unsure of how much debt is owed.
  • Use credit cards for daily expenses.
  • Receive creditor calls for not making payments.

Our debt management program will help you stop the collections calls, lower your monthly payment and help you get out of debt.

Pioneer Credit Counseling is a bonded, non-profit credit counseling agency offering debt management programs, financial counseling, bankruptcy counseling and housing counseling nationwide.

Our accredited credit counselors will help you take control of your financial life and get out of debt faster than you can on your own. We offer a debt management program that will stop the collections calls, lower your monthly payment and provide you peace of mind. Our pre and post bankruptcy counselors provide an easy process for you so you can focus on rebuilding your financial being.

It is our policy at Pioneer Credit Counseling not only to help people get out of debt, but also educate in sound budgeting practices.

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