Health & Medical Cancer & Oncology

Cancer and Causes

What is a Cancer?

Cancer is a type of terminal illness which is categorized under the disease which is caused by out of control growth of cells. About 100 varied types of cancer are found and each one of it is classified according to their cell type that gets affected initially. The cancer causes harm to the body post damaging of the cells and division of these cells which got damaged in an uncontrollable format to form tissue masses which are called as tumors. But in leukemia, the case is different. The cancer actually restricts blood functioning process in normal manner by causing irregular division of cell. The case of tumors is that they can grow and also cause intervention of the nervous, circulatory and digestive systems as they tend to release the hormones which can cause alteration in the bodily functions. Tumors staying in a single spot and demonstrating very limited growth are considered generally as of benign nature.
It is observed to be of tumor form, malignant and dangerous in nature when there is occurrence of 2 things
A cell which is cancerous causes movement throughout body by making use of the lymph systems or blood thus causing destruction of the healthy tissues during the process which is known as invasion. This manages the process of division and growing of the cell and making of various new blood vessels for feeding itself during the process and this process is known as Angiogenesis. When the tumor causes spreading of itself on other parts of body, it starts invading and cause destruction of the other tissues which are healthy. Medically it is known as Metastasized and results to a serious case of condition which is difficult to treat.

How does Cancer spread?

It is seen from what various researchers found out that the stickiness actually is a property which assists them in spreading. Certain types of molecular interaction in between scaffolding and cell that actually clutch at one place and get unstuck at the site of original tumor and become dislodged and reattach at new site. Various researches have noted this discovery as an important case as with this the mortality of cancer is in major due to the metastatic tumor. In the case of malignant cells, these malignant cells are agile in nature when compared to the non-malignant cells. Malignant cells have more capacity to pass more easily than the non-malignant ones and are nimbler too. They can pass freely and easily even through the smallest gap and apply more force on the environment if compared with other cells

How are cancer caused?

The issue of cancer is at the end and ultimate result of those cells which grow uncontrollably and also which does not die. In case of the body, the normal category cells in the body follow a routine and orderly pathway of growing, dividing and death. Apoptosis is known as the programmed cell death and once there is breaking of this process, there is beginning of cancer. Not like the other regular cell types, these cancer cells continue growing and spreading which ultimately leads to a huge abnormal cell mass that is out of control

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