Penis Enlargement Exercises - 2 Easy Exercises For a Bigger Penis
Millions of gimmicky pills and devices for "a permanently bigger penis" exists today, but anyone who does any research at all will discover that getting a bigger penis is much like anything else in life: You get out what you put in.
Popping "miracle" pills and then watching TV expecting to get huge won't offer you any results, it'll just burn a hole in your wallet.
The only method I've gotten any significant results from is that of penis enlargement exercise.
These exercises have you use your hands to manipulate and gently break down penile tissues, so that they can regrow larger than before (much in the same way muscles grow when you work out).
Over time, these exercises can offer very impressive gains, I can personally attest to this, and in this article I want to share two of my favorites! Exercise #1) Horizontal Motion: Begin this exercise by getting to about 50 or 60% of a full erection and then lubricating your penis.
Next, form a ring out of your index finger and thumb, grip this ring snuggly around the base of your penis, as close to your body as possible.
Now make a ring with your other hand and place this ring around the tip of your penis.
While gently squeezing the whole time, move your hand "tip hand" down the penis until it meets your "base hand", and then slide it back up to the original position.
Exercise #2) Kegels: The first exercise I showed you focused primarily on length, while the Kegel is more for increasing penis width and for increasing blood flow (this will result in stronger erections).
The Kegel is extremely simple, but will require you to be fully erect.
Once you're ready, flex your PC muscle (you'll recognize this muscle as the one you use to control when you pee).
If done correctly, your penis should "hop" up.
Hold this as long as you can, let it fall down again, and repeat after a few seconds rest.
How Does This Help You Get Bigger? When you perform these exercises you are actually placing a strain on your penile tissues, which causes painless cell break down in some of the inner-penile chambers.
In response, your body tries to better prepare you for this stress by increasing cell growth in the area (much like a muscle grows when you workout).
Over time, your tissues enlarge, the penis is able to hold more blood during an erection, and thus your overall size increases.
Popping "miracle" pills and then watching TV expecting to get huge won't offer you any results, it'll just burn a hole in your wallet.
The only method I've gotten any significant results from is that of penis enlargement exercise.
These exercises have you use your hands to manipulate and gently break down penile tissues, so that they can regrow larger than before (much in the same way muscles grow when you work out).
Over time, these exercises can offer very impressive gains, I can personally attest to this, and in this article I want to share two of my favorites! Exercise #1) Horizontal Motion: Begin this exercise by getting to about 50 or 60% of a full erection and then lubricating your penis.
Next, form a ring out of your index finger and thumb, grip this ring snuggly around the base of your penis, as close to your body as possible.
Now make a ring with your other hand and place this ring around the tip of your penis.
While gently squeezing the whole time, move your hand "tip hand" down the penis until it meets your "base hand", and then slide it back up to the original position.
Exercise #2) Kegels: The first exercise I showed you focused primarily on length, while the Kegel is more for increasing penis width and for increasing blood flow (this will result in stronger erections).
The Kegel is extremely simple, but will require you to be fully erect.
Once you're ready, flex your PC muscle (you'll recognize this muscle as the one you use to control when you pee).
If done correctly, your penis should "hop" up.
Hold this as long as you can, let it fall down again, and repeat after a few seconds rest.
How Does This Help You Get Bigger? When you perform these exercises you are actually placing a strain on your penile tissues, which causes painless cell break down in some of the inner-penile chambers.
In response, your body tries to better prepare you for this stress by increasing cell growth in the area (much like a muscle grows when you workout).
Over time, your tissues enlarge, the penis is able to hold more blood during an erection, and thus your overall size increases.