Vaginal Yeast Infection Causes, Symptoms, Prevention and Treatment
Are you having a tough time with vaginal yeast infection? In order to get rid of this problem you need to know the real causes and symptoms of this problem.
It is estimated that almost 85% of the women experience this problem sometime during their life.
This problem is faced by both men and women.
The purpose of this article is to educate you on the causes, symptoms, prevention and treatment of vaginal yeast infection.
1) One of the main causes for this infection is the pH imbalance that is created in the vagina.
The vagina has the yeast organism as well as some good bacteria.
The job of the good bacteria is to keep the yeast fungus under check and control.
However some factors like antibiotics, diabetes, urinary tract infection, pregnancy complications etc disturb the pH balance in the vagina resulting in the yeast fungus multiplying rapidly and causing the problem 2) Common symptoms of vaginal yeast infection are itching, burning sensation, irritation, vaginal odor and whitish vaginal discharge.
Sometimes a person suffering from bacterial vaginosis mistakes it as yeast infection.
Hence it is always better to get yourself checked by a doctor to confirm the problem.
3) Since prevention is always better than cure you can take some simple steps to prevent vaginal yeast infection.
(a) Keep your vagina clean by washing it regularly.
(b) Always dry your vaginal to prevent build up of moisture.
(c) Wear cotton panties that absorb moisture and allow air circulation.
(d) Take supplements that improve the immune system.
4) Oral pills like fluconazole and Diflucan are prescribed by the doctor for vaginal yeast infection.
There are several other topical creams and ointments that are used to treat this problem.
Garlic and yogurt are used as natural treatments for this problem.
Garlic and yogurt can be applied externally to the vagina and can also be orally consumed.
It is estimated that almost 85% of the women experience this problem sometime during their life.
This problem is faced by both men and women.
The purpose of this article is to educate you on the causes, symptoms, prevention and treatment of vaginal yeast infection.
1) One of the main causes for this infection is the pH imbalance that is created in the vagina.
The vagina has the yeast organism as well as some good bacteria.
The job of the good bacteria is to keep the yeast fungus under check and control.
However some factors like antibiotics, diabetes, urinary tract infection, pregnancy complications etc disturb the pH balance in the vagina resulting in the yeast fungus multiplying rapidly and causing the problem 2) Common symptoms of vaginal yeast infection are itching, burning sensation, irritation, vaginal odor and whitish vaginal discharge.
Sometimes a person suffering from bacterial vaginosis mistakes it as yeast infection.
Hence it is always better to get yourself checked by a doctor to confirm the problem.
3) Since prevention is always better than cure you can take some simple steps to prevent vaginal yeast infection.
(a) Keep your vagina clean by washing it regularly.
(b) Always dry your vaginal to prevent build up of moisture.
(c) Wear cotton panties that absorb moisture and allow air circulation.
(d) Take supplements that improve the immune system.
4) Oral pills like fluconazole and Diflucan are prescribed by the doctor for vaginal yeast infection.
There are several other topical creams and ointments that are used to treat this problem.
Garlic and yogurt are used as natural treatments for this problem.
Garlic and yogurt can be applied externally to the vagina and can also be orally consumed.