Home Security - How To Improve Yours On The Cheap
Many people feel that since they have so much money invested in their home-a little over $200,000 on average-and another $50,000 or $60,000 in furnishings, fixtures and equipment that home security is something that they can't afford, especially for new homeowners.
In this article we're going to show you how to improve your home security at very little, if any, expense.
Several things you can do for free, some may cost you a little bit of money.
But in the end your home will be much more secure.
The first thing that we recommend is that you look at your house from the exterior in much the same way that a burglar would.
Burglars case neighborhoods looking for targets of opportunity.
Those are homes that look, to them, to be easy targets.
There are usually plenty of them.
They look for doors and windows that are open including garage doors.
That is usually a sign that people don't lock them.
Over 60% of all home burglaries happen through unlocked openings.
Then they look for hiding places around lower-level entryways such as doors and windows.
Almost all burglaries are done during the daytime when the homeowners are not there.
Burglars need a place to hide to conceal their whereabouts from prying eyes.
So remove all shrubs and trees branches that would provide such hiding places.
If you don't already have one in your neighborhood, start a Neighborhood Watch.
If you do have one, get actively involved.
They are free and your local police department can help you set one up.
They are the premiere home burglary prevention tool that homeowners can use to fight crime in their neighborhood.
Install burglar alarms on all your doors and windows.
They are one of the best defenses against burglary.
If the burglar does break in, a loud alarm can scare him away.
Consider hiding all your valuables in diversion safes.
Burglars only spend an average of 10 minutes or less inside a home looking for items of value such as cash, jewelry, handguns or credit cards.
All of these items are easily hidden inside diversion safes, which are hollowed out containers of common, everyday items.
Hiding things in "plain sight" is one of the best ways to protect them.
And last but not least, most police departments will do a free home security survey of your home that is only dependent upon manpower and time availability.
Follow these tips that may cost you some time and very little money and your home will be much more secure.
In this article we're going to show you how to improve your home security at very little, if any, expense.
Several things you can do for free, some may cost you a little bit of money.
But in the end your home will be much more secure.
The first thing that we recommend is that you look at your house from the exterior in much the same way that a burglar would.
Burglars case neighborhoods looking for targets of opportunity.
Those are homes that look, to them, to be easy targets.
There are usually plenty of them.
They look for doors and windows that are open including garage doors.
That is usually a sign that people don't lock them.
Over 60% of all home burglaries happen through unlocked openings.
Then they look for hiding places around lower-level entryways such as doors and windows.
Almost all burglaries are done during the daytime when the homeowners are not there.
Burglars need a place to hide to conceal their whereabouts from prying eyes.
So remove all shrubs and trees branches that would provide such hiding places.
If you don't already have one in your neighborhood, start a Neighborhood Watch.
If you do have one, get actively involved.
They are free and your local police department can help you set one up.
They are the premiere home burglary prevention tool that homeowners can use to fight crime in their neighborhood.
Install burglar alarms on all your doors and windows.
They are one of the best defenses against burglary.
If the burglar does break in, a loud alarm can scare him away.
Consider hiding all your valuables in diversion safes.
Burglars only spend an average of 10 minutes or less inside a home looking for items of value such as cash, jewelry, handguns or credit cards.
All of these items are easily hidden inside diversion safes, which are hollowed out containers of common, everyday items.
Hiding things in "plain sight" is one of the best ways to protect them.
And last but not least, most police departments will do a free home security survey of your home that is only dependent upon manpower and time availability.
Follow these tips that may cost you some time and very little money and your home will be much more secure.