Health & Medical Diet & Fitness

Is the Lemonade Diet the Ultimate in Weight Loss?

The lemonade diet is finally here, and for many it's giving them fantastic results after just ten days.
But the question many people are asking is, just what's involved? Let's take a quick look to see just exactly what the lemonade diet is all about.
According to reports, the diet has been around for generations, and looking at the ingredients, this isn't so much of a diet as it is a colonic cleanse and a fast as it almost entirely cleans your body of all sorts of dangerous toxins.
You may have heard of it under the guise of the Master Cleanse diet or perhaps the Maple Syrup Diet, but they are all essentially the same and was conceived as a way to rid the body of its natural toxins whilst at the same time cleaning the kidneys and getting rid of excess hormones, chemicals and other things that tend to get trapped in the body.
However, can you imagine surviving on only liquid alone? This has to be the hardest diet ever, because for the duration of the diet - 10 days, you are not allowed to consume any food at all, so unless you've got nerves of steel then perhaps this diet is not for you.
On the other hand though, if you're in a desperate rush to lose weight quickly, perhaps this is the ultimate answer.
In the past, numerous celebrities have used the lemonade diet to lose weight.
The most famous was perhaps Beyoncé who used the diet to lose an amazing 22 lb in 14 days.
Her weight loss is just an example of how rapidly you will lose weight if you have both the stamina and the endurance to last it out.
But just what does the diet contain? In essence, your daily intake of fluid will involve drinking 10 servings a day of specially made lemonade, which is basically fresh spring water with lemon juice, maple syrup and also cayenne pepper added.
In the morning however you're supposed to drink a saltwater flush in order to try and help clean your body.
Before bed, enjoy a nice cup of laxative tea.
Whilst many people say that this diet isn't a fast, it's hard to see what makes it nutritious, and you may also get very hungry on this diet.
The good news is, you can drink as much of the lemonade as you want, and after a while it actually tastes quite good.
One thing's for sure, if Beyoncé can lose so much weight in two weeks, anyone can.
Just remember to stay focused, objective and if you don't reach your optimum target then don't worry because everyone's different.

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