Health & Medical Diseases & Conditions

Master Cleanse Diet - Why It Is So Beneficial

Master Cleanse Diet - Why It Is So Beneficial

The Master Cleanse diet, or as some call it the Lemon Cleanse and Maple Syrup diet, was first ‘created' by Stanley Burroughs in 1941, so it's no new fad. In fact, there are many people who undertake this fast regularly.

So what is the Master Cleanse?

Well, you don't eat any food for a start. Rather you drink a home-made lemonade made up of fresh lemon juice (organic if possible), cayenne pepper (organic again if available) and a good grade maple syrup. The maple syrup provides the calories and sugar. Each evening you take a laxative tea and you also do a salt-water flush each morning. The latter is an essential part of the Cleanse. You do have to be close to a toilet each morning since when you need to go, you need to go!

But despite this challenge, many people do this fast again and again. And many do it for the maximum recommended timeframe of 40 days!

The reason they love it is because you feel so good on this cleanse.

Did you know that you're carrying food remains in your colon that may have been there for many months and even years, sometimes many long years? Doesn't sound nice does it?

So with this cleanse you will be clearing out such potentially harmful substances from within your body. No wonder people feel so great.

The health benefits are great. It clears out gunk from your system that would otherwise do your body no good, improves energy levels, removes food cravings and has been reported to help people with a variety of conditions including chronic pain, insomnia, mood swings, unbalanced hormone levels, acne and blemishes, reduced hair loss and more. It also restores your body's natural ph balance.

If you're thinking of undertaking this wonderful detox then you do need to read up about how to do it, the supplies to get, quantities etc. Oh and also mentally and emotionally prepare, because you will at times feel very hungry, especially the first 24 hours. But then it should get easier.

Some people undertake it for what seems an impossible length of time such as 20, 30 or even 40 days (this is the maximum you should do it). But start off with 3 days at first, or 7 if you can. Or even 24 hours for your first time.

And yes, you can continue with day to day activities, work etc without any major issues. Except of course you need to be near a toilet every morning, so it does need to be scheduled during a time when this is possible, and when you don't have any meals out planned (you don't want to be staring at food whilst others eat).

As per the usual caution, if you have any medical conditions such as diabetes please consult your doctor before undertaking this fast.

When it comes to finding out what you need to start the Master Cleanse, I HIGHLY recommend a wonderful resource called Master Cleanse Secrets 10 Day Diet. Check it out!

To your health and wellbeing!

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