Home & Garden Cleaning & Laundry

Recipe to Make Laundry Liquid Soap

    • 1). Grate 1/3 of the bar soap.

    • 2). Bring 6 cups of water to a boil on the stove top. Add the soap to the boiling water. Stir until it dissolves completely.

    • 3). Add ½ cup of washing soda and ½ cup of borax to the soap and water mixture. Stir until the ingredients dissolve.

    • 4). Pour 4 cups of hot water in a 2-gallon bucket. Pour in the soap mixture and stir.

    • 5). Pour in an additional 5 ½ qts. of hot water and stir. Place a lid on the bucket.

    • 6). Allow the liquid laundry detergent to set for 24 hours.

    • 7). Add ½ cup of the liquid detergent to each load of laundry.

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