Home & Garden Home Improvement

The Rebirth of Wallpaper

Somewhere around the year 200 B.C., the Chinese became the first people to use paper to decorate their walls. In the 1700s, wallpaper came to the United States, where it grew in popularity well into the 1900s. After reaching the zenith of its popularity in the mid twentieth century, people began to strip down the walls to go for a more minimalist look. Since the late 1980s, wallpaper has been sneered at and considered solely the domain of the old-fashioned and the tasteless.

In the 1990s, home makeover shows became increasingly popular, and typically one of the main obstacles to redecorating included the presence of wallpaper. Interior designers would enter the house and see unrelenting floral patterns from floor to ceiling, staring smugly at the designer, secure in knowing the power of paste and water. A look of sheer horror would wash over the designers' faces. No self respecting designer could allow the abhorrent paper to stay.

In order to keep up with the times, the wallpaper needed to be stripped down, scraped off, and the walls given a fresh coat of paint. This process involved a steamer, a scraper, and a lot of elbow grease. In fact, it was watching the homeowners toil over its removal that made for entertainment. Some owners chose to simply paint over the wallpaper rather than attempt to remove it, but this technique met with mixed results.

Typically by the time the paper was successfully exorcised from the home, the owners would admit their wrongdoings and vow never to make the mistake of bringing in the sticky stuff again. Viewers did well to heed this advice themselves, and soon wallpaper became interior design's dirty little secret.

Once all the paper had been removed from American homes, and interior design shows continued to take over television screens, neutralizing the family space became top priority among homeowners.

But now, after having several years of impersonal design, homeowners are starting to long for a home with character and individuality. They want to make their mark, and have their home stand out from the crowd.

As part of this new trend to reclaim personal expression, wallpaper is making a valiant return to interior designers' good graces. Wallpaper is now being featured in major design publications, and even appearing on their former nemesis: the home makeover show.

Chic patterns and innovative materials are taking over the wallpaper world. Magnetic wallpaper, digital photography, and 3D images are just some of the new features coming out.

In addition to traditional wall-to-wall coverings, wallpaper is also being used to add punch to otherwise neutral rooms. Current trends include papering just one wall and using it as an accent wall, or setting off a focal point in the room such as an elegant fireplace.

Many home designers are discovering how fun it can be to use wallpaper in innovative ways. Framing squares of wallpaper can create instant, yet tasteful artwork. Covering a plain lampshade can give it personality. Think outside of the box, and wallpaper can be a powerful new tool in your home decorating arsenal.

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