Health & Medical Allergies & Asthma

Alpha Lipoic Acid for Asthma

Asthma is a disease that affects the human respiratory system.
It causes the airways to narrow down.
Asthma often occurs in response to a trigger of the likes of exposure to allergens like pollen, stress, cold air etc.
It causes symptoms like coughing, wheezing and shortness of breath.
Alpha lipoic acid (ALA) is said to be beneficial in combating this disease.
It has been suggested in a number of remarkable studies that oxidative stress plays an important role in asthmatic airways inflammation.
Alpha lipoic acid being the powerful antioxidant that it is can be most useful in therapy for bronchial asthma.
It is also responsible for recycling vitamins E and C.
Now, the relevance of this lays in the fact that vitamin C is an extreme aid in alleviating asthma and vitamin E has a major role in preventing bronchitis.
The two vitamins are beneficial to the respiratory system, which is what needs protection against asthma in the first place.
Studies also indicate that free radical damage occurs excessively in people who suffer from asthma.
The implications of this are that they may benefit immensely from antioxidant supplements like ALA.
In the study, scientists in India determined the blood levels of antioxidants and oxidants in 38 men and women with bronchial asthma compared to levels found in 23 healthy subjects.
Looking further into the relevance of these vitamins- C and E, they are known to quench free radicals formed during the oxidation process and render them harmless.
Thus there is a direct link between alpha lipoic acid and its benefit to asthma patients.
In fact it can also be used to prevent the onset of the disease and it is a well known and hackneyed fact that prevention is better than cure.

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