Plagued by Pollen?
Preventive tips, treatments, and more: Your survival guide for the spring allergy season.
Allergy shots require repeated doctor visits. First, doctors pinpoint the allergy's source. They prick the skin with tiny allergen doses, checking for allergic reactions.
Next, patients get allergy shots in their upper arm once or twice weekly for several months. Over time, patients are given increasingly higher doses of the allergy trigger to slowly help their body become more used to it. If the shots work, patients get maintenance doses every two to four weeks for up to five more years.
Allergic reactions to allergy shots are rare, but possible. After all, the shots do contain allergens. Reactions can include itchy eyes, runny nose, shortness of breath, or throat tightness. Take an antihistamine and seek emergency medical care for those symptoms.
Plagued by Pollen
Preventive tips, treatments, and more: Your survival guide for the spring allergy season.
A Shot of Hope continued...
Allergy shots require repeated doctor visits. First, doctors pinpoint the allergy's source. They prick the skin with tiny allergen doses, checking for allergic reactions.
Next, patients get allergy shots in their upper arm once or twice weekly for several months. Over time, patients are given increasingly higher doses of the allergy trigger to slowly help their body become more used to it. If the shots work, patients get maintenance doses every two to four weeks for up to five more years.
Allergic reactions to allergy shots are rare, but possible. After all, the shots do contain allergens. Reactions can include itchy eyes, runny nose, shortness of breath, or throat tightness. Take an antihistamine and seek emergency medical care for those symptoms.
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