The Four Benefits of Preparing and E-Filing Your Federal Income Tax Return
The Internal Revenue Service in recent years have encouraged taxpayers to dispense with mailing in their federal income tax returns.
Instead they have promoted e-filing, which is a feather in my hat, since I am a professional income tax preparer.
Many taxpayers have taken the advice from the IRS and the numbers of tax returns over the last five years have steadily increased.
But there are still those who are marching into their neighborhood libraries and post offices to grab the necessary tax forms in which to prepare their returns.
Why? Well, there are plenty of reasons for this, which can't all be explained in this short article.
But to encourage those who are thinking about getting out their pencils, solar and electronic calculators this tax season,Igive you three benefits of e-filing.
The Four Benefits of Preparing and E-filing Your Own Tax Return 1) The user-friendly tax software that is available for even the most fearful taxpayer who has avoided computers like a passion.
This software will walk you step by step through your entire return in no time.
2) The availability of online tax web sites that will allow you to prepare your return and e-file in a jiffy.
A lot of the current sites will even allow you to prepare your return for free.
You'll only pay a small fee when you're ready to transmit or send your return to the IRS.
3) The convenience of preparing your return in the comfort of your home and not having to call an accountant for an appointment.
4) And probably most important, if you're due a tax refund, you'll get it quicker.
In most cases within 7-10 business days.
So to wrap this up, you have user friendly software you can purchase at your local office supply store, online tax preparation websites that are available to you and the convenience of preparing your taxes in your own home on your time and a faster refund in your mailbox.
I'd say the above four benefits are some pretty good reasons to throw away the pens, erasers and the unnecessary trip to your local library or post office.
Instead they have promoted e-filing, which is a feather in my hat, since I am a professional income tax preparer.
Many taxpayers have taken the advice from the IRS and the numbers of tax returns over the last five years have steadily increased.
But there are still those who are marching into their neighborhood libraries and post offices to grab the necessary tax forms in which to prepare their returns.
Why? Well, there are plenty of reasons for this, which can't all be explained in this short article.
But to encourage those who are thinking about getting out their pencils, solar and electronic calculators this tax season,Igive you three benefits of e-filing.
The Four Benefits of Preparing and E-filing Your Own Tax Return 1) The user-friendly tax software that is available for even the most fearful taxpayer who has avoided computers like a passion.
This software will walk you step by step through your entire return in no time.
2) The availability of online tax web sites that will allow you to prepare your return and e-file in a jiffy.
A lot of the current sites will even allow you to prepare your return for free.
You'll only pay a small fee when you're ready to transmit or send your return to the IRS.
3) The convenience of preparing your return in the comfort of your home and not having to call an accountant for an appointment.
4) And probably most important, if you're due a tax refund, you'll get it quicker.
In most cases within 7-10 business days.
So to wrap this up, you have user friendly software you can purchase at your local office supply store, online tax preparation websites that are available to you and the convenience of preparing your taxes in your own home on your time and a faster refund in your mailbox.
I'd say the above four benefits are some pretty good reasons to throw away the pens, erasers and the unnecessary trip to your local library or post office.