Chiropractic and Allergies
How full is your bucket? When people come into a Chiropractic clinic, many people complain of allergies.
It's so common, in fact, many people don't even recognize the many ways our bodies alert us to allergic reactions.
Some of the common signs of allergies include:
If it were the allergen, everyone would react to the pet dander, chemicals and certain foods.
The ability to adapt to allergens involves the nervous system.
So, it's no surprise that many people with allergies also have spinal subluxation(s) which prevent the body from adapting to its surroundings.
Think of your body's ability to accommodate physical, chemical and emotional stress as an empty bucket.
Fill your bucket with the stress of poor nutrition, a lack of rest, a poor career choice, a stressful commute each day and other stressors and your bucket is filled right to the brim.
Now, along comes spring and pollen, or you encounter a house cat and you start wheezing.
Why? Because your bucket is overflowing! The pollen or the cat may get the blame, but only because your ability to adapt has been exhausted by the other stressors all ready affecting the body.
Do you know someone with allergies? Introduce them to chiropractic.
Chiropractic isn't a treatment for allergies, but it is possible to increase their ability to adapt to these irritants!
It's so common, in fact, many people don't even recognize the many ways our bodies alert us to allergic reactions.
Some of the common signs of allergies include:
- Sneezing
- Running nose
- Itchy eyes
- Sinus congestion
- Asthma
- Heartburn
- Skin rashes
- Acne
- Itching
- Weight gain
- Fluid retention
If it were the allergen, everyone would react to the pet dander, chemicals and certain foods.
The ability to adapt to allergens involves the nervous system.
So, it's no surprise that many people with allergies also have spinal subluxation(s) which prevent the body from adapting to its surroundings.
Think of your body's ability to accommodate physical, chemical and emotional stress as an empty bucket.
Fill your bucket with the stress of poor nutrition, a lack of rest, a poor career choice, a stressful commute each day and other stressors and your bucket is filled right to the brim.
Now, along comes spring and pollen, or you encounter a house cat and you start wheezing.
Why? Because your bucket is overflowing! The pollen or the cat may get the blame, but only because your ability to adapt has been exhausted by the other stressors all ready affecting the body.
Do you know someone with allergies? Introduce them to chiropractic.
Chiropractic isn't a treatment for allergies, but it is possible to increase their ability to adapt to these irritants!