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Arise a women within you with silicon breast prosthesis

Breasts are one of the important organ of the female body. Not only for its appearance, but for its functions which includes, balancing the female body, breast feeding and many more. In other hand, it is the symbol of feminism. That is why, breast care is very important.

Breast cancer is the ultimate threat for the females, as is the fast growing disease which also causes death. Identification of breast cancer at the right time only can prevent this. So awareness is very important. October month is recognized as the breast cancer awareness month. Many awareness camps, promotions have been done for this purpose.

If anyone knows the early signs and symptoms of breast cancer, then, treatment can be introduced at its early stage. Which is necessary. But females who have been diagnosed with it and also lost their one or both breasts, is very unfortunate.

For them, silicon breast prosthesis plays an important role, as it gives them the look of natural like breasts. Buy using prosthetic breast one can get back their lost confidence. They can feel free again.

In Kolkata, Sumitra S1 prosthesis, which is working for more than 10 years, brings different types of breast prosthesis. So if you are from Kolkata, and lost your breast or breasts in cancer, it is the ultimate place, where you can get your solutions. If you are not from Kolkata, that's also not a problem. Because many patients outside from Kolkata visited this clinic, and left with a happy face and satisfaction.

But before you opt for this prosthesis there are a couple of things you need to keep in mind. Like the most important thing is the seriousness of your surgery. Psychological aspects of a patient are also important. As for a lady who has her one or both breasts is a mental trauma too. First she understand and accept the situation.

Also, before opting for a breast prosthesis one should keep in mind her physical ability and lifestyle. Dressing sense and age, one's personal choice also plays an important role in what kind of breast prosthesis one should opt for.
There are many advantages of this prosthesis. That is the reason behind many women use this without any complains. Also it protects the surgical scar and your chest. Also, when you lose your breast, the balance of your body gets damaged, so in this case this type of prosthesis helps a lot to regenerate the balance of your body.

Also, many females face, muscular pain in their back and shoulder drop. Breast prosthesis can prevent this also. So we all can see that, though loosing breast is a permanent loss, breast prosthesis can heal the loss to a good extent.

Dr. Sumitra, CEO of Sumitra S1 Prosthesis working for many years in this field. Being a woman, she can totally understand and feel the pain. Many types of breast prosthesis are available here.

Let us have a look. The types are as follows-
Sponhybreast which is non silicon and foam based breast.
Silicofulle Breast which is silicone prosthesis.
Partial breast form.
Lighty Breast which is the high quality silicone breast prosthesis.

After mastectomy, Sponhybreast is ideal for any woman. Because it is a light weight breast, so it is feels very comfortable to use. Also, you can wear it during your sleeping hours.

Silicofulle Breast is water proof and easy to use. It feels exactly in terms of weight, consistency and comfort. It attached to the chest so easily that, it gives the surgical scar a great protection.

Partial breast form is also water proof and it feels more natural than a non silicon breast prosthesis. Lighty Breast is a light weight as its name suggests. It is made from high quality silicon, which provides you the maximum possible comfort.

So leave your worry behind, and opt for breast prosthesis to overcome your loss. Feel free and fly high with your newly found confidence with the best breast prosthesis.

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