Looking for Design Inspirations for Your Custom Pool
You have long admired custom pools and have finally decided that the time has come to realize your dream of building your very own custom swimming pool.
But wait - are you undecided about what your swimming pool should look like? Here is a cheat guide on various sources you can use for inspiration and how to make the most of them.
Books, periodicals and the Internet Your very first stop could be the local library.
Check out the home improvement section for periodicals and books on custom pool design.
You may also want to look at magazines on travel, especially those featuring luxury hotels and resorts, as well as periodicals on landscaping, architecture, interiors and exteriors.
Jot down notes as you go along, noting names of designers and architects whose work you particularly like.
You could then look up these designers' work in further detail online.
If possible, scan or photocopy designs and images of custom pools, making note of the elements that appeal to you in each, such as overall pool shape or tile pattern.
Another great source of finding interesting pool designs is search engine Image results.
Try Bing or Google Images for good results.
Movies and TV shows Rent movies with a lot of poolside action or watch television shows set in warm locales like Hawaii, LA or Miami that are bound to have poolside scenes.
Keep a paper and pen handy to note down design elements that appeal you.
Hotels and upscale homes You could take trips to good hotels in your city and visit the pools areas to get inspirations for your own pool.
Don't forget to take notes and pictures of features you like.
You could also take a walk around the upscale neighborhoods in your city, for a viewing of backyard pools.
It's however possible that you might be disappointed, as such pools are usually enclosed and not visible from the road - you might catch a passing glimpse of a few though.
You could even pick up a few ideas for landscaping around the pool.
Make a pool design wish list The following are some of the key questions you should ask yourself, as these would be important factors in consideration while planning your pool.
• Is the pool meant for adults or children or both? • Would it be used for regular workouts, e.
swimming laps, or is it primarily going to be used for fun? • What are the different elements that could be incorporated into the pool design to enhance the user experience? • Could there be any factors that detract the user from having a good experience and is it possible to do something about them? Make a pool design scrap book Finally, the information you collect - written notes, sketches, photocopied pages, scanned pictures, photographs and printed information - all needs to be organized properly so that you can access it quickly.
A ring binder would be the best option, as it would allow you to rearrange the sleeves or pages with ease.
The most sensible approach to organizing the data would be to arrange it according to fundamental elements like overall pool shapes, tile patterns, water slides, etc.
At the end of some very much fun research on the design of custom pools, you can hopefully settle on an inspired choice for your very own one-of-a-kind pool.
But wait - are you undecided about what your swimming pool should look like? Here is a cheat guide on various sources you can use for inspiration and how to make the most of them.
Books, periodicals and the Internet Your very first stop could be the local library.
Check out the home improvement section for periodicals and books on custom pool design.
You may also want to look at magazines on travel, especially those featuring luxury hotels and resorts, as well as periodicals on landscaping, architecture, interiors and exteriors.
Jot down notes as you go along, noting names of designers and architects whose work you particularly like.
You could then look up these designers' work in further detail online.
If possible, scan or photocopy designs and images of custom pools, making note of the elements that appeal to you in each, such as overall pool shape or tile pattern.
Another great source of finding interesting pool designs is search engine Image results.
Try Bing or Google Images for good results.
Movies and TV shows Rent movies with a lot of poolside action or watch television shows set in warm locales like Hawaii, LA or Miami that are bound to have poolside scenes.
Keep a paper and pen handy to note down design elements that appeal you.
Hotels and upscale homes You could take trips to good hotels in your city and visit the pools areas to get inspirations for your own pool.
Don't forget to take notes and pictures of features you like.
You could also take a walk around the upscale neighborhoods in your city, for a viewing of backyard pools.
It's however possible that you might be disappointed, as such pools are usually enclosed and not visible from the road - you might catch a passing glimpse of a few though.
You could even pick up a few ideas for landscaping around the pool.
Make a pool design wish list The following are some of the key questions you should ask yourself, as these would be important factors in consideration while planning your pool.
• Is the pool meant for adults or children or both? • Would it be used for regular workouts, e.
swimming laps, or is it primarily going to be used for fun? • What are the different elements that could be incorporated into the pool design to enhance the user experience? • Could there be any factors that detract the user from having a good experience and is it possible to do something about them? Make a pool design scrap book Finally, the information you collect - written notes, sketches, photocopied pages, scanned pictures, photographs and printed information - all needs to be organized properly so that you can access it quickly.
A ring binder would be the best option, as it would allow you to rearrange the sleeves or pages with ease.
The most sensible approach to organizing the data would be to arrange it according to fundamental elements like overall pool shapes, tile patterns, water slides, etc.
At the end of some very much fun research on the design of custom pools, you can hopefully settle on an inspired choice for your very own one-of-a-kind pool.