Cars & Vehicles Motorcycles

Proper Motorcycle Storage Products and Techniques

In this article we'll take a look at some tips on motorcycle storage.
These will include some helpful products and some important basics.
Two of the leading products on the market that can help give you proper motorcycle storage are the Cycle-Shield and the Bike Barn.
Cycle-Shield bills itself as "a clean, dehumidified, climate controlled enclosed cover with a bottom.
" Cycle-Shield is designed to: prevent the need for dusting, washing, or re-waxing; the pitting or tarnishing of chrome pieces; water getting in the gas tank or fuel system; rusted disc brakes or frame parts; the corrosion of instrument gauges, terminals, and ignition pieces; dry rotting of tires or rubber parts; fading paint, scratching, or marring; and damage from critters, birds, and insects.
With the Bike Barn, which is primarily made up of a couple of grounding plates and several U brackets that are easily assembled together and can be locked for security (the barn's primary function), you: don't need to worry about hot exhaust pipes melting the fabric covers because there's no contact of fabric to pipes; can choose from multiple sizes to custom fit to your motorcycle; don't have to worry about contact on opening and closing because of the Barn's cantilever design; need not be concerned with dirt or dust being ground into your paint from the wind rippling the fabric; and don't need to curious hands fooling around with leavers and buttons.
There are some other basic, elemental actions to take to properly store your motorcycle, especially for "winterizing".
For one thing, drain as much of the gas out of your motorcycle and fuel injection lines as you can, and then put in a good fuel stabilizer sold at a reputable motorcycle or mechanical store.
Old gasoline oxidizes and can damage your tank and lines.
Once you have put the stabilizer into your motorcycle run the engine for 15 to 20 minutes so that it flows into all parts of your fuel system.
Another thing you want to before storing your motorcycle is a standard oil change.
If you have gone for a while without changing the brake fluid, do so just before storage so that your hydraulic system does not deteriorate.
If your motorcycle is going to be stored in areas where the temperature gets below freezing during storage, you'll want to remove your motorcycle's battery and store it in a dry, above-freezing place and keep it periodically charged with a portable battery charger.
Make sure the tires are fully inflated before putting the bike into storage.
If you're in one of the above-mentioned colder places, make sure the bike is raised up off the ground when you store it to keep the pressure off the tires.
If your motorcycle is dirty, give it a thorough scrub-down and then a body waxing before you store it.
Grime and filth lead to corrosion over time, especially when they are just sitting there on your bike.
Without storing your motorcycle in the right way, you will end up costing yourself possibly hundreds if not thousands of dollars and your motorcycle's longevity will be cut down.
Motorcycle storage is very important to do properly.

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