Health & Medical Rheumatoid Arthritis

Alternative Gout Treatment Ideas - Natural Gout Treatments That Work

Pain medications are effective for treating all type of conditions but they certainly don't come without risk.
If you have gout you have likely already turned to the traditional route for pain relief and have experienced some troublesome side effects.
There are alternative gout treatment ideas that do work and are completely natural and safe.
One of the most effective alternative gout treatments is to drink more water.
This seems simple enough but it really does have positive benefits.
The pain associated with gout comes from having too much uric acid in your body.
Water helps to release all toxins from your body including uric acid.
You should try and consume at least eight glasses of water each day.
A great way to accomplish this is to carry a water bottle without you through the day.
Reach for it whenever you start to feel thirsty.
This will help you avoid drinking things like coffee or soda which can actually make your gout even worse.
Drinking water is a must when you have gout, and drinking alcohol is a must not.
Avoiding alcohol completely is one of the alternative gout treatment ideas that really bring results.
It's actually not uncommon for someone who has indulged in cocktails often to develop gout.
Those same people will find substantial relief from flare ups and the pain if they make a decision to stop drinking alcoholic beverages completely.
If you have doubts about this a good method to try is to make a pledge not to drink for two weeks.
After that time has passed evaluate where you are in relation to your gout symptoms.
If they have lessened, you'll know that alcohol does exacerbate the condition so it's time to abstain.

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