Travel & Places Travel Knowledge

Following Are Three Great Adventure Travel Ideas That You Could Try

Are you sick of having to use all of your vacation time for visiting your family? Are you fed up with having to sit on a couch and watch television with your parents because they would have made you feel bad about choosing something else for your vacation time? Trying to get over the guilt is hard! All the same, sometimes you need some vacation time you can actually enjoy. Why not go off on a grand adventure the next time you get some vacation days? Heck, you might even be able to fit in weekend adventure treks and still have time to spend with your parents looking through the old photos (again). The following are great adventure travels to try out.

An excellent example of extreme adventure travels is mountain climbing. The West Coast Mountain Guides take adventure seekers out on climbing expeditions on a regular basis. You can select from destinations scattered around the western Canadian provinces. Adventurers can pick from rock climbing, ice climbing or even snow mountaineering. If you're really looking for a thrill, they will take you on a journey that will include all three.

Before you head out on one of these vacations, however, make sure you are in top physical shape. Mountain climbing experiences are not to be had by apathetic and out-of-shape individuals! Do you enjoy sightseeing? Do you love being able to explore the places you've only read about in books? Why not join a sightseeing adventure travels tour of a location you have always want to visit? Highly favored tourist destinations include Greece, Rome, Ireland and Scotland, Africa, China and Tibet. Seemingly there is a sightseeing tour to be had in just about every country in the world, so just pick a location and sign up for a touring trip! Allow someone to guide you through your chosen country's culture and history.

Do you love the thought of being up close to big game? Have you always wanted to see other animals in the natural environments? Why not take an adventure on an African Safari. There are tour groups that journey all over the African continent. Decide on one of the many trusted outfits and allow them to show you where to see hippos, elephants and giraffes in the natural habitat. Look at prides of lions and packs of hyenas. You can see birds you have only watched in a zoo. If you are an animal lover, a Safari is for sure a wonderful way to experience adventure travels.

Adventure travels don't always have to be about a death defying defeat. You can have a perfectly adventurous vacation without bungee jumping, sky diving or hoping that a shark won't bite through a cage. At the same time, for the adrenaline junkie, the risks taken are only half the excitement of a adventure based vacation.

The trick to taking a real adventurous journey is to put yourself up to a challenge and still have a terrific time. Get to it!

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