Health & Medical Nutrition

Proper Dieting - Do it Properly If You Want Proper Results

Today dieting for weight loss has become more or less fashionable.
So often you'll see women in your social circle saying that they are on a diet.
They'll claim that they have reduced the intake of fats altogether and have barely eaten in days because they have to be in shape for a friend's wedding in a few days.
But is not eating a solution? No it isn't.
Starving your body to lose weight is like trying to run a machine without power.
It will not work.
A diet means 'food habits'.
To 'diet' means altering your eating habits such that it suits your needs.
Most of us don't understand the importance of proper dieting and go mindlessly for a crash diet to lose weight temporarily.
Proper dieting means that one eats what one's body needs.
While somebody might want to lose weight for medical reasons, others might want to lose weight for personal reasons or professional reasons.
But at no point of time it means that you stop eating.
Human Body needs a defined set of vitamins and minerals regularly for proper functioning.
Proper dieting means that you identify a set of food items that don't add much in terms of calories to your everyday diet but provide your body with all the essential vitamins and minerals to keep it running in the best form as ever.
Various processes in our body are regulated and catalyzed by various elements which if not supplied in proper quantity can stop or malfunction.
For example the healing of wounds and pain in the joints will take long to heal if body does not get its required quantity of Calcium.
In proper dieting one has to take good care of what to eat and when.
We will discuss a small meal plan that you can follow for proper dieting and also guide you to places where you can get more information.
All fruits and vegetables are a good source of vitamins, minerals and natural sugars.
Green veggies have high mineral content whereas pulses and beans etc have very high protein content.
You can easily replace sprouts with your morning breakfast of bread and peanut butter or sausages.
Sprouts will keep you energetic all day long and will help in muscle building and repair.
Fresh, boiled and mildly seasoned veggies will give your body all the necessary minerals that it needs to keep all the processes in the body up and running.
Similarly replacing fresh fruits with an evening snack of burger or pizza will help to keep the fats at bay and provide your body with all the essential Vitamins and natural sugars.
A light dinner of high roughage containing food items like tomatoes, carrots, cucumbers, cabbage etc.
will help to regulate the bowel movement and give you feeling of being full.

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