Health & Medical Dental & Oral

For Wisdom Teeth and Related Problems, Approach the Specialists

Teeth are an important part of the human anatomy. These small white hard structures found in the human mouth, help in food intake by helping to mechanically break down food and cut and crush it in preparation to be swallowed and digested. Teeth are embedded in and covered by gums and develop in humans since early childhood. The first set of teeth developed in the early stages of childhood known as milk teeth pave the way for permanent teeth in childhood.
Wisdom teeth
Usually between the ages of 17 years and 25 years of age, wisdom teeth, or the third molars come out in humans. These are typically four in number however in some people the number could be less or more. Since the wisdom teeth develop much later than the other permanent teeth, they may be a cause of worry and can possibly cause problems to other nearby teeth. Sometimes, these teeth grow sideways or come out at a wrong angle; or sometimes even only partially come out. These are known as impacted wisdom teeth; which could sometimes be a cause of the problem or pain as they hurt and affect other nearby teeth. Usually in cases where an impacted wisdom tooth causes problems or pain, dentists advise and perform extraction of the same.
Problems related to wisdom teeth
When wisdom teeth are ready to grow, the remaining teeth are already fully grown and therefore not enough space is available for them to grow, leading them to grow impacted. Sometimes impacted wisdom teeth grow into a pocket created into the jawbone which fills up with a fluid known as a cyst which can damage other teeth and/ or nerves close by. Other than this, tooth decay, infection, changes in the alignment of the teeth and the bite are some of the related problems of wisdom teeth developing and coming out wrong. In certain cases, wisdom teeth pain or hurt in other close by areas may also be experienced which could be a sign that your wisdom teeth are causing any of the above problems and need to be removed.
Treatment options for problems related to impacted wisdom teeth
If a wisdom tooth is not causing any problems, no treatment may be needed, but in certain cases, removal is often recommended if a wisdom tooth is causing problems or pain in patients. Most times over the counter pain killers and medication helps in mitigating the pain thus caused, however, in certain other cases, a dental surgeon needs to be consulted for extraction and/ or treatment. Though considered expensive by most, wisdom teeth cost will not sky rocket, if you get the help of qualified professionals and experts who can give you stress free dental care and also use sleep dentistry technique for those of you who fear the dentist's chair.

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