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Weight Losing Exercises for New Moms

When you are pregnant, you add lot of weight as you lead a sedentary lifestyle during the period. It is an amazing feeling to be a first time mother. You must have put on some weight in the past 3-4 months. It is the time you shed those extra kilos that you has gathered.

Weight losing exercises for new mothers

Since resistance bands are safe and simple to use, they are impeccable workout gears for new mothers. You can work out at home with these instruments without being away from your cute angel. They are moderate priced, so you won't have issues investing in couple of tools.

Here are number of exercises you can work out for getting a flat stomach:


You need an elastic band with handles for doing the moves. Hold the handles of the tube and tuck it under your feet. The feet should be shoulder length apart. Bend your arms at the elbows with the purpose that you feel pull on your body. Get into the squat position. Do it easily without much force. When your thighs are at the knee level, regain your position. You should start with light resistance level if you are new to the fitness program.

Standing close rows

Fix a kinetic band of same length and resistance level, to a strong structure. You have to assure that your hands experience substantial power. Considering that your hands are stretched out due the pull of the band, draw back your palms towards your body bending at the hands at the elbow. Again allow your hands to regain their original position. Do the move for 3-4 rounds, with one round consisting of 10-12 reps.

Push up with resistance band

Get in push up position. Put a band around your back and hold the handles in your hands. As you perform the action, your figure (especially the upper parts of the structure) experience resistance and you get a more fruitful workout. This will realize benefits in less time.

Aerobic exercises

Assuming that would prefer not to utilize any sort of exercising tools, you can choose aerobic exercises. These activities are swimming, cycling, skipping and jogging. These exercises give an incredible workout.

Do yoga and Pilates for correcting posture

A woman's body encounters diverse stress and strain during the pregnancy stages. It takes a toll on her figure. To remedy postures you can perform yoga and Pilate moves. These exercises enhance adaptability, endurance and posture. Yoga in like manner makes one mentally healthier.

Some important tips to keep in mind

€ You need to change your general activity program. This is because you are not the same individual with the same fitness level as before.
€ You must visit a doctor and dietician before enrolling for a work out regime. You should strictly follow prescribed nutrients by your specialist or dietician.

You must keep your specialist updated about your health status. When you sense any bad impact on your health, quit the program and visit the doctor.

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