Technology Programming

The 20 Best Tools for Choosing a Color Scheme

Create a color scheme is essential to good design. We gather this Article 20 fantastic tools to help you perfect your color choices.

On the web there are hundreds of tools for creating color schemes that promise to help you reach your goal with the design creating a perfect harmony of colors. Not all tools are unique, and many are nothing more than simple adaptations of the most famous tools.

So to make your life easier, we have selected some of the best tools for creating color schemes available today for free. They will help you save time at separating wheat from the chaff.

01. IP âEUR

Pretty IP, done by design Strange, creates a unique palette of colors complementary based on the numbers of IP (Internet Protocol). Try to access from home or office, or perhaps try the restaurant or bar, you have large and pleasant surprises of color combination that you can use in your next design.

02. Color
Color, created by HailPixel, is a small and handy if you are the type perfectionist when it comes to finding the right color. Hover your mouse anywhere on the screen to see the exact color in full screen, it will move to set desired saturation, and the site will give you the exact hex code to apply to your projects. It is one of the easiest and most useful tools I've ever used. Can not live without it!

03. Designspiration

On site Designspiration you can select up to five shades in a palette page, creating a simple visual way you choose colors. Then, the site will search all the images in your database with this color combination. The hexadecimal numbers are displayed prominently, and you can click on them individually. Images can be saved in their collections within the site.

04. Kuler

Probably the best known of all the online tools for creating color palette, Adobe Kuler is a tool for webdesign and simple sharing options and practices based on a color wheel. Plugins are available for all major Adobe tools, including Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign, making it a great tool built for users of Creative Suite.

05. ColorExplorer

ColorExplorer tools is one of the richest resources available
This is, I know, one of the tools for webdesign most comprehensive on the web, offering a wide range of resources to create, customize and analyze their color palettes. There are, for example, tools that can help you determine if your colors are available as determined by WCAG, has also conversion tools to help you choose different color schemes as well as a whole host of features to capture colors and generate color palettes.

06. Colors on the Web

With the Colors on the Web you choose a color in hex âEUR see more on []

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